View Full Version : Spybot v no positives, no nothing after running scan

2017-10-27, 04:26
Back in previous years I ran Spybot all the time and there were always some positives found, warnings, etc.... But for about a year I've been running v1.60, not very regularly, always updated before running...and I'm not getting any results of any kind. Nada!

This doesn't seem right and I wonder if there is a switch turned off somewhere. I've looked at the settings and all the file sets are checked, I'm running in advanced mode, I don't see any exclusions except for 4 in System Internals. I've removed them just in case.

I also just ran the portable Spybot 2.4 and got a normal list of positives. tracking cookies and so on. So I must have something set wrong in v Any ideas about this?


2017-10-27, 21:50
1. Spybot is one version behind the latest in the older versions. The latest older version of Spybot is Spybot 1.6.2. You might like to update to the latest older version. The mirror page for that is here:
If you do decide to install Spybot 1.6.2, you'll want to uninstall Spybot first. If you do install 1.6.2 then try scanning first to see if anything is found before trying 2.

2. It sounds as if you might have been scanning for usage tracks at one time, and somehow began just scanning for spyware instead. Though if that were the case then all the filesets shouldn't be checkmarked. But, that should be doublechecked just to be sure, so if you would like to begin scanning for usage tracks and cookies,etc. please try this:
If your operating system is Windows Vista or higher, please rightclick Spybot and select Run As Administrator.(If you're running XP or below,just doubleclick Spybot.) Click Mode up top, then select Advanced Mode, Settings, then file sets. Somewhere in the window to the right, rightclick and select 'Select all available checks.'

Try a scan and see what happens. Usage tracks should show up in a green colour.