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View Full Version : Deleting entries under local hosts

2018-02-18, 18:24
I ran Spybot and then checked %windir%/system32/drivers/etc/hosts and found loads of entries inserted by Spybot, of the form ' www.007guard.com'
Should I delete all of these and then follow the 'lockdown' procedure on the Spybot website?
Or is it safer to leave the list as-is?

2018-02-18, 23:57
Could you leave the list as-is for now? They're part of the hosts file immunization, and it's safer to leave them there.
And then could you post a link to the lockdown procedure on the Spybot website? I looked and can't find it, and I don't recall reading it or what it is about, but if I see it I should be able to answer your question. :)

2018-02-19, 10:55
Thanks for the advice, I will leave things as they stand for now.

The locking down info was in fact on 'Lifewire':
section 5

2018-02-19, 11:07
Oh, I really like that site. I visit there off and on. :)

That article is using the older version of Spybot, and there's a Spybot 2.6 available now. Do you have the older version of Spybot, or do you have the Spybot 2.6 version? :)