View Full Version : Scan progress stalls on Win32.Downloader.dequ

R B Strautman
2018-08-17, 07:22
I updated to the latest version (2.7) after deleting my older Spybot version (2.4 I think) because after installing 2.7 the program reported a missing file and said to delete the older version using Windows program manager deletion method. I deleted the older version and downloaded and installed 2.7. Even then 2.7 reported that the file SDWSCSvc.exe was missing. I was able to get the program to run successfully after manually downloading and installing SDWSCSvc.exe from the Spotbot manual download section. I next downloaded all the latest signatures.

The Spybot start center reported my system had never been scanned, which is course true because this was a completely new installation (not a program update). I started a new scan. At about 7 minutes the program progress stalled while scanning Win32.Downloader.dequ. I let the program continue to try, but I shut it down at the 39 minute mark.

How do get the program to finish its initial scan/get past Win32.Downloader.dequ.


2018-08-18, 06:34
Two other people posted and said their scan stopped when Spybot was scanning for Win32.Downloader.dequ a couple months ago:

You could try excluding Win32.Downloader.dequ from the Spybot scan temporarily, and see if the scan will progress past it:
If that doesn't work, please post back. :)

2018-08-18, 19:08
I have exactly the same problem with Spybot 2.7 Home Edition. Excluding Win32.Downloader.dequ from the scan does not solve the problem, because the scan does not exclude it.

2018-08-19, 05:57

The support team will be notified about this thread.

Best regards.