View Full Version : Anti-Beacon License issue.

2018-12-31, 05:37
I purchased a single user Anti-Beacon Plus license and it accepts the key , but it always reads , license is broken please reinstall. Settings won't apply because it still thinks I have the free version. GUI says plus version , but license states broken. Please help!


2019-01-02, 21:43
Hello wrathofthewendigo,

Please restart your computer and see if that resolves the problem.

(https://www.safer-networking.org/support/#contactform)Best regards,


2019-01-07, 06:40
I'm having the same issue. JUST purchased the anti-beacon plus for $10 and it says my license key is broken...

Ive tried restarting pc
ive tried uninstalling anti beacon, wiping junk files, reinstalling anti beacon and adding the key.

STILL says my key is broken.

2019-01-07, 07:06
ok, it suddenly started to work. I guess it takes an hour for the key to be legitimized by safernetworking???? or maybe it was me toggling the automation settings.

Kind of an odd issue, I would love to get some information why it took so long to legitimize the key?