View Full Version : Strange menues in SB + AV 7

Hans L
2019-01-28, 02:29

Not sure my install of SB + AV 7 came out okay. When I click on StartCenter, the menu items are

Help Associated Tasks Hel,p [Makes no sense!].


Help: Spybot Help, Index, Search, Support forum, Website, Exit, About Start Center

Associated Tasks: Start Center

Help: Help Contents, Help on Start Center, About ...

There must be something wrong here.

In addition to "Spybot-S&D Start Center" (when i click the "Window" icon on the desktop in Win 10), I have "Spybot - Search & Destroy 2". Is that old?

What do I need to do to clear up this mess?

Thanks for your advice.

Hans L

2019-01-28, 22:46
Those seem to be the standard menu and submenu items. I have the same ones, so I presume they are normal.
You have other things located in the Startup Center below the menu items, right? (Just checking)

As for the Spybot - Search & Destroy 2, I'm not sure. Could you right click that, select Properties. Can you post for me what kind of info you see in properties, and I might be able to tell you more from that. :)

Hans L
2019-01-29, 02:03
Those seem to be the standard menu and submenu items. I have the same ones, so I presume they are normal.
You have other things located in the Startup Center below the menu items, right? (Just checking)

As for the Spybot - Search & Destroy 2, I'm not sure. Could you right click that, select Properties. Can you post for me what kind of info you see in properties, and I might be able to tell you more from that. :)

Thanks. Weird menus.

Seems as if "2" is okay.


Hans L

2019-01-29, 23:40
Okay, glad to hear it's okay.

Yes, that's the first time I noticed there was two help menus in there, actually. Which is weird, because I look at the start center a lot, haha! :laugh:
I'm not sure why, but there's probably some reason or other. :)