View Full Version : Spybot Anti-Beacon unable to block Windows Telemetry (via hosts)

2019-05-12, 03:01
Even though Anti-Beacon says they are blocked, I can see that Windows telemetry (via hosts) has 42 unblocked entries. Does anyone else have this problem? Is there a fix?

I'm running Anti-Beacon Plus on windows 10 home 1809.


Thanks for any help or insight you can offer.

2019-05-13, 01:03
This is an old post from a couple years ago, but mnadamn posted here:

Madeupname467 responded with a post that might be helpful:

I have't found anything else on it, but you could contact Spybot support. The contact form is here:
Under Software & License there is an option to select Spybot Anti-beacon. hth. :)

2019-05-16, 00:31
I'm using McAfee LiveSafe for my firewall and antivirus. It is the firewall that is blocking my ability to block telemetry. When I disable the firewall and restart without it, Anti-Beacon works fine. As soon as I turn the firewall back on it prevents blocking again. I've been on the phone with McAfee and there is no way to whitelist Anti-beacon to allow it to work.

What firewall/antivirus are compatable with SpyBot Anti-Beacon?

2019-05-16, 05:37
I'm glad you found the problem. :)

I looked on the Spybot website, and I didn't find any compatibility information as far as Anti-Beacon is concerned. I believe it is compatible with most firewalls and anti-viruses, however I cannot say that with 100% certainty, therefore it would be best if you asked Spybot support about compatibility so you can get the best answer. I'll refer you to the contact page:


Along with the description in the contact thread, you could also include a link to this forum thread if you like, so they're up to speed on everything you've posted about here. :thanks: