View Full Version : FileAlyzer Update

2019-05-22, 16:38
I wasn't sure exactly where to put this, so if I have posted in the wrong area, please move this topic to the appropriate area.

The FileAlyzer product page (https://www.safer-networking.org/products/filealyzer/) advertises lots of functionality (some of which seem to be relatively new features) and an updated user interface. From the screenshots, it is clear that the latest version of FileAlyzer is at least At the bottom of the page, download links are provided which appear to offer downloads for separate standard and portable installers for FileAlyzer with the above mentioned features. At the same area of the page there is an opportunity to donate money in appreciation of this (seemingly free) software. However, both download links direct to https://download.spybot.info/FileAlyzer/. The most recent version of FileAlyzer available on this page is from the year 2011. There are no portable versions, and no versions which offer the advertised functionality.

Looking at the comparison chart (https://www.safer-networking.org/compare-spybot-editions/) for Spybot, it appears the only package which comes with FileAlyzer is the most expensive "Technician's" version of the Business Edition, which apparently "cannot be left installed" (source: https://www.safer-networking.org/).

Is this intentional? If so, why advertise a new version and different types of installers for a product that isn't available for download? Why ask for a donation for such a product if it is only available bundled with your most expensive software package?

What the FileAlyzer download page looks like to me:

2019-06-12, 20:35
If my inquiries have come across negatively, it was unintentional and I apologize. I'm genuinely confused about the availability of your FileAlyzer product.

Also, in case you weren't aware, the Version History page for FileAlyzer seems to be blank:

2019-06-12, 22:57
I didn't think your post came off negatively. For me personally, I was unsure of the answer, so I left your question for someone more knowledgeable on the subject. I do remember thinking that perhaps the filealyzer version pictured on the website might be an internal version that hasn't been released yet. As for the version history, the spybot website had been being updated/changed somewhat for the last little bit, so that portion of the website might not have been updated. But those are just vague guesses and speculation on my part. :)

I don't see a filealyzer section in the contact page, but you could try contacting them about it you wish, and see what they have to say. Team Spybot is generally very congenial.


2019-07-15, 19:33
I don't see a filealyzer section in the contact page, but you could try contacting them about it you wish, and see what they have to say. Team Spybot is generally very congenial.

Well, I waited a while longer hoping to get a response, then on June 28 I opened a support ticket [Ticket#2019062880000412] about this. It has been another couple of weeks, and I still haven't heard back :sad:. I use FileAlyzer regularly, and have even posted a few bug reports for it over the years (one of which got a response, the others not so much). I'd be happy to help test a beta version of it, should there be a need or interest.

2019-07-16, 20:39
Ah. Unfortunately, I'm not sure where to go from there, beyond contacting them from the contact page. You could check your email's spam folder to make sure they didn't send a response, and it was accidentally put in the spam folder. Other than that, I'm unsure how to proceed.

But, it does look like Filealyzer is the latest version publicly available for download. I'm unsure how you'd go about offering to beta test. Guess this may be a "sit and wait" situation to see if a beta comes out or something. Sorry I was unable to help with this. :)

2019-07-20, 05:54

As far as I know the latest FileAlyzer version is in the testing phase. :kboard:

Thank you for your helpful feedback.

Best regards,

2019-08-26, 03:36
I was going to ask the very same question myself, having used v2.0.5.57 for around 7½ years. It's a little long in the tooth now and overdue for an update, but still one of the more useful utilities I use. Nice to see an update after all this time.:cool:

Any clue/ballpark of when the update will be released please? Looking forward to it. Thx.

2019-12-31, 17:47
I was going to ask the very same question myself, having used v2.0.5.57 for around 7½ years. It's a little long in the tooth now and overdue for an update, but still one of the more useful utilities I use. Nice to see an update after all this time.:cool:

Any clue/ballpark of when the update will be released please? Looking forward to it. Thx.
Apparently not this year... ;)
Here's to hoping for something in 2020 :beerbeerb:

2021-10-21, 18:54
this may be a "sit and wait" situation
Still sitting... Still waiting...

Figured I'd ping the thread again to see if anything new turned up.

2021-10-22, 04:45
Nothing new that I'm aware of, from looking at the download page. I haven't seen any newer info posted anywhere. :)

2023-01-04, 18:07
Well, it's now 2023 and still no update, which is very disappointing and frustrating... It has been long enough since the last release for the devs to have implemented a full decompiler (not just a disassembler). We have received confirmation that FileAlyzer has been updated at least periodically over the intervening decade, the devs have just chosen not to release it (not even as a separate paid-product). I simply can't fathom a reasonable justification for this. What gives?

2023-01-09, 16:58
Releasing a product brings with it responsibility. Newer versions have been kept internal to keep resources free for other stuff. But re-releasing up to date versions of tools is a current task now. New RegAlyzer is available, new Browser Cache Information, now as BrowsAlyzer, is pending, and FileAlyzer will be updated as well.

2023-01-12, 16:06
But re-releasing up to date versions of tools is a current task now. New RegAlyzer is available, new Browser Cache Information, now as BrowsAlyzer, is pending, and FileAlyzer will be updated as well.