View Full Version : File Scan won't load - freezes Spybot window

2020-04-17, 14:04
I'm using the Free Spybot version, on Windows 7 pro, 64-bit.

After downloading safe files (files created by a friend and uploaded to DropBox), I noticed a warning from Microsoft Security Essentials that it was suddenly not turned on. After turning it back on, I saw that it was repeatedly turned off whenever I opened the folder to which I had downloaded my friend's files (ie, in Windows Explorer).

I therefore updated Spybot, and did a right-click "Scan file" on the suspect folder, but Spybot wouldn't load to scan it -- I got an hourglass icon, which soon disappeared, and nothing happened.

I then opened Spybot, and tried to access the folder via "File Scan", but the same thing happened there -- PLUS, the Spybot window froze (I had to use Taskmanager to 'end task' and close that window).

However, Spybot DID do a complete system scan, and found no serious problems -- just mild stuff, that I had it "fix".

Is malware interfering with Spybot's File Scan, or is the problem something else?

Many thanks, in advance, for any tips!

2020-04-17, 20:49
Problem solved: Turns out that I had another anti-malware app (MalwareBytes) running in the background, and it must have been blocking both Spybot and MSSE from scanning the folder in question.