View Full Version : Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus won't run (recently purchased and installed)

2020-04-19, 22:16

Ok, I'm lost here. I recently purchased the "Professional Version" of Spybot (email receipt dated 3/22/2010 calls it "Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus"). I'm pretty sure the installation and licensing process went ok, as the icons and menu items all seem to be in place.

But I'm having problems getting it to work. If I start a scan almost IMMEDIATELY after a system re-start (W10, Dell laptop), I can click on either the tray icon, or the Menu icon, and it will scan just fine.

However, if the computer has been running a while (more than a half-hour, for example), I can't get the program to scan NO MATTER WHAT I DO!

The Update function works, and in that screen I see the current version as "Spybot - Search & Destory+AV 2.7".

What do I need to do to make this work?


(Edit: By the way, I'm running Spybot along with Norton Security Suite, and I didn't have this problem with the "free" version of Spybot. It was only after purchasing the AV/Pro version of Spybot that I started having issues with the Scan function.)

2020-04-20, 01:45
Whoops! Make that receipt email 2020, not 2010!

2020-04-20, 03:02
You could use the contact form to ask for help from Spybot support:

2020-04-24, 00:34

Thank you for the suggestion! I took your advice, and just for the record, here's the response I received:

"Unfortunately we do not have permanent solution to this.

The only solution we can offer is to restart your PC which should allow you to perform a scan.

We will let you know when we have come up with a solution for this issue.

We apologise for the inconvenience."

So apparently they know this is an "issue", but they don't know how to fix it.


2020-04-25, 03:41
Sorry to hear that. Hopefully a solution is found soon. :)