View Full Version : Run SpyBot at Startup?

Henry VII
2021-02-26, 20:52
I paid for the professional edition. I’ve searched here and on the internet in general. I can’t find menu options for “Tools” and under System Services I don’t see an option to run a scan at startup.

I’m not averse to running it in safe mode. How do I do that?

I’m running Windows 10.

2021-02-27, 04:35
Here is how you can boot into safe mode in Windows 10 to run a scan with Spybot:

I may be misunderstanding the question, so I'll post both possibilities I'm thinking of: There are no menu options under Settings for Tools.
However, if it is the Advanced and Professional Tools themselves you aren't seeing, then please click Show Details in the lower right corner, then put a checkmark in Advanced User Mode.

There is no option to run a scan at startup under Settings, System Services tab.
There is an automated scan set up that you can adjust to run when you want it to, you might be able to gear it up to run at startup. There are instructions for it here:
hth. :)