View Full Version : Spybot repeatedly trying to scan identity_helper.exe

2022-08-19, 18:44
This is my first time posting, so I apologize if this is being posted in the wrong location. Spybot Live Protection is repeatedly and unsuccessfully attempting to scan "identity_helper.exe" - a Windows system file, and I do not know whether to be concerned about it nor how to help the program complete the scan or stop the attempted scans. I did a search of the forum for "identity_helper" to see if anyone else is experiencing the same thing, but there were no results. Thanks in advance for any help.


2022-08-20, 03:44
I found an article on a website that describes Identity_Helper.exe:

I looked to find info about others having troubles with Live Protection scanning it, and like you didn't find anything. I also searched to see if other anti-virus programs were having trouble with their real-time protection scanning it, and didn't find anything, either. That leaves me at a bit of a stand-still, so it's probably best to contact Spybot support and see what they say. Please contact them on this page: