View Full Version : Seeing issues on Professional Edition

2023-03-10, 00:02
Installed and updated latest version .. got my license entered w/o any issue. When looking at the bottom/right portion of the screen (taskbar?), I am seeing two things of concern:
1> Update service stopped and
2> AS+AV: off.

I'm not convinced they are faults, but it sure feels like it. I have restarted Update Service many times; the message always returns. Not sure how to even begin addressing that AS+AV issue.
Y'all have anything like this happen? Critical or naw?

Thanks for the input!

2023-03-11, 14:45
Hello GPRS_1,

Did you do the following and reboot:

Open Spybot by right-clicking on the Spybot icon, and choosing the option to Run as Administrator.
Click on Show details in the bottom right corner of the Start Center then click on Advanced User Mode.
Go to Settings then click the System Services tab.
Here you can start the Update Service.
Make sure you tick the check box that says Active after every reboot.
Click Apply and OK, and restart Spybot.


Best regards,