View Full Version : SpyBot Definitions Update 22.07.23 >

2023-07-23, 16:19
I've already opened a ticket on this but thought I might as well mentioned the problem here.

During my weekly general PC updates/maintenance regime which includes SpyBot definitions updates when I tried downloading them this week there are two sets of updates. Both are reporting "!!! bad checksum!" from ALL seven definition download sources and, of course, won't install.

This has happened before, a long time ago, and it was some form of download data corruption with the latest definitions updates package or similar problem Spybots' end, rather than anything to do with my PCs. It was fixed in the following updates.

Hope that is this case this time too.

2023-07-29, 05:02
Sorry for me being nosy, but I was wondering if you were able to update yet? :)

2023-07-29, 17:34
The problem was still present for the next 48hrs but when I tried updating them today (29.07.23) all was back to normal. All definitions updated as they should.

That's what happened last time this occurred as I also mentioned.

Guess it must just be that particular batch of definition updates had a dodgy hash or something odd like that. How that could happen I have no idea.

2023-08-01, 01:20
I wonder if it was the same thing as last time? I'm glad you were able to get the updates. :)