View Full Version : A few startup entry info updates

2006-10-03, 02:57
PestPatrolCL.exe: Pest Patrol Command Line Scanner (most likely not needed, but prolly wisest to keep running in case you need to run a command line scan)

abiteq.exe: Abit Motherboard Voltage/Temperature Monitor (not needed, but VERY handy)

Acrotray.exe: Acrobat Assistant 7.0 (usually installed with Adobe Distiller)(never had any trouble disabling it, but never extensively used Distiller)

MagicSL.exe: MagicSpeed loader for use with Samsung drives (not needed, but handy to some)

SC_Acrobat.exe: Adobe Acrobat speed launcher (sposed to improve initial loading time for viewing .pdf) (prolly not needed)

blackice.exe: Black Ice Firewall software (good to keep running, runs in conjunction with blackd.exe)