View Full Version : receiving error "no update log found" and not completing antispyware updates

2024-06-08, 01:43
Hi. New to forum but Spybot user for several years. Just renewed license for Home Edition. Worked okay for a few days as it has last several years. I do a scan every two weeks and it suddenly came up with error box "NO UPDATE LOG FOUND" and cannot update antivirus nor antispyware. I checked update log, which is there, and it shows it stopped successfully updating either one several weeks ago. Nothing has changed on my end (that I'm aware of) so I have no clue how to proceed. I have screenshots I can attach as needed. Not sure if it's a simple fix or not. Any input is greatly appreciated. I am not too computer savvy so not sure how to proceed.

2024-06-08, 01:48
screenshots attached

2024-06-08, 06:41
Hi. Welcome to the forum. :)
Thanks so much for attaching the screenshot. I do see what looks to be the Spybot proxy listed in your second screenshot. Is that something you knowingly set up yourself, or do you use another proxy? Also, what Windows operating system do you have?

2024-06-09, 19:23
I am using Windows 10 home edition, 64-bit. I have not set up any proxy. And there is an update log. I will attach screen shots. I'm hoping it is something as simple as checking/unchecking a box or creating a proxy. No clue here, so your assistance is appreciated. UPDATE UPDATE While I was in proxy settings to take screenshot, I went ahead and UNchecked proxy setting and tried an update. It worked. Not sure how that setting got selected, as I don't mess with any of that, but it is currently downloading updates. Whew! Still sending reply in case this is an issue for anyone else.

2024-06-10, 00:53
Good, I'm glad the updates are working now. If you run into anymore problems with it please post back and let me know. :)