View Full Version : Scheduled scan issues

2024-07-18, 22:46
I have a scheduled scan run once per week set as this:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDScan.exe /scan /cleanclose /autofix

The program starts minimized and once it completes it displays the window but doesn't clean/fix the entries but simply closes.
Do I need to remove the /cleanclose argument?

If not what is the correct args? I want it to fix all the items it lists. Normally when I do the scan manually and I press fix then I have to log back into various web sites. When the scan runs via the task schedular and simply closes after the scan then I don't have to relogin to web sites which makes me think it didn't fix anything.

2024-07-19, 04:41
Hello. :)
In the help file I'm seeing the /scan parameter and the /cleanclose parameter amongst various other parameters listed. I don't see the autofix parameter listed there, so I'm not sure if it's still available.
The /cleanclose has this listed in the help file: closes after /scan if results are clean. So if your scan window is closing after the scan it should be because the scan was clean, though if your window is displaying results I'm not sure if that's what is happening. I'm also uncertain if only usage tracks are found after the scan if that would count as clean results or not.
I do see an /autoclean parameter available on the cleaner module, but that is listed to clean problems from last scan, and is not listed as an available parameter on the system scan, so that is both not what you need nor does it look like it's available.
Looking at scheduled scan in settings there is only the checkboxes for "Close when no malware is found" and "Silent" so there is nothing there to add an autofix parameter either, which is further evidence for autofix no longer being available.

Okay, in light of not seeing the autofix parameter as available, it would be best if you contact Team Spybot to ask about it. There is a contact form available here:
Please let me know how it goes if you have time after you get your answer, I'm curious myself. :)

2024-07-23, 20:25
I submitted the information to the support form you linked to that same day but so far I haven't received any response from Spybot regarding the issue.
I decided to remove the "/cleanclose" and "/autofix" to see if it allows me to press the "fix all issues" button next time. I was hoping that it would do these things automatically.

2024-07-28, 04:35
Hey, there. I forgot to look in here, sorry about that. I messaged tashi.

2024-07-28, 19:38
Thank you Zenobia. I left a note with support.

2024-08-01, 22:39
Thank you Zenobia. I left a note with support.

Still no contact made. I decided to uninstall Spybot and reinstall. I would really like to know what the correct arguments would be to get it to auto fix the listed items after a scan rather than me doing it manually.

2024-08-02, 22:05
Hello iguanaman,

I was informed that support will contact you today, however, at the moment there is no other information to add to what Zenobia has already stated.

Best regards,
