View Full Version : Program Might Be Blocked

2024-07-30, 01:39
Hello, I have an issue where I can't get a windows program to run.

It's just a basic program, and was working for me before. It's called Resonic Pro. It's a audio playback program.
I double click it and nothing happens. I've exhausted all options I can think of trying, and have done lots of research about windows 10 programs not starting.
So I am led to believe it is being blocked. I disable Spybot's live protection and that doesn't help. I'm all out of options. Anyone have any ideas?

2024-07-30, 06:07
No error messages or anything, it just doesn't start?
Could you rightclick Spybot start center and select Run as Administrator. In the lower right corner of Spybot, please click Show Details. Checkmark Advanced User Mode, then click Settings, then the Live Protection tab. Then click the Decisions tab. Is there anything listed in there?

2024-07-30, 06:16
No error messages or anything, it just doesn't start?
Could you rightclick Spybot start center and select Run as Administrator. In the lower right corner of Spybot, please click Show Details. Checkmark Advanced User Mode, then click Settings, then the Live Protection tab. Then click the Decisions tab. Is there anything listed in there?

Ya, the program just doesn't start. I get a momentary 'busy' mouse cursor as if it intends to start but doesn't. I've been asking the dev but he hasn't responded yet.
The decisions box is empty.

2024-07-31, 06:28
Okay, thanks.
If it was Live Protection stopping Resonic Pro I think you'd be prompted by Live Protection every time you attempted to start it on what to do, since there were no decisions in the Live Protection tab. Unless a file or something was removed in the first instance of Live Protection that caused Resonic Pro not to start, but you'd probably remember getting a prompt from Live Protection.
The only other thing I can think of is if some part of the program was removed after an anti-spyware/anti-virus scan so it can't start.

It does mention rerunning setup if Resonic does not start on this page:
It's there under Setup, its this quote from the page:

In case Resonic does not start after upgrading because files are missing, re-run the installer and choose "Repair" from the second page, which will correct the problems.
That is in case it doesn't start after upgrading, though, so you might want to use caution, and maybe wait for the answer from the developer, especially since you have the Pro version. But that might be something to consider.

2024-07-31, 12:14
Okay, thanks.
If it was Live Protection stopping Resonic Pro I think you'd be prompted by Live Protection every time you attempted to start it on what to do, since there were no decisions in the Live Protection tab. Unless a file or something was removed in the first instance of Live Protection that caused Resonic Pro not to start, but you'd probably remember getting a prompt from Live Protection.
The only other thing I can think of is if some part of the program was removed after an anti-spyware/anti-virus scan so it can't start.

It does mention rerunning setup if Resonic does not start on this page:
It's there under Setup, its this quote from the page:

That is in case it doesn't start after upgrading, though, so you might want to use caution, and maybe wait for the answer from the developer, especially since you have the Pro version. But that might be something to consider.

Ya, I've repaired it twice, reinstalled it twice. Tried running as admin, tried every possible compatibility setting, tried giving it full user permissions, had a look at windows firewall settings, if any windows services were disabled, made sure Ccleaner didn't put it to sleep, tried disabling Spybot live protection, tried proxy launching it with another program, did a memory scan, did a windows update, did software updates and driver updates.

I'm asking here because in the past I found Spybot was the program that was blocking Portmaster and that was never resolved. So it leads me to believe Spybot is also blocking this, because of this proof of Spybot's tend to randomly block programs, without the user being able to whitelist them. Resonic used to run fine but now it won't so I have no idea what has changed.

The Resonic dev hasn't been on discord for a week now. That's pretty strange. I'll keep waiting I guess.

2024-08-01, 04:17
Okay, you've tried a lot. Good luck with it, hope you get it worked out.