View Full Version : QuickTime

2006-10-18, 19:57
This sob keeps starting up every reboot. Unfortuneately its needed for my son's iTunes. I don't know why it's started doing this ( 2 weeks ) as it only used to start up when needed, not on every boot up of my PC. I have it on my TeaTimer black list but this makes no difference. If I delete it from the list and reboot I get the Spybot window asking me if I want it to load and I deny it, ticking the 'remember' box - all to no avail. Is there anything else I can do? Registry tweak etc?

2006-10-19, 04:11
You should be able to disable Quicktime from starting at startup from within Quicktime,that's probably the easiest way.
Just scroll down to qttask,there's instructions for different versions.

2006-10-19, 04:44
I have had my own battles disabling Quicktime, if that link gives no joy. :)

Open Spybot

On that page you can uncheck the box beside Quicktime.

Another tool I keep handy is Startup Control Panel by Mike Lin.

I wouldn't advise doing a Registry tweak when there are easier, safer methods.