View Full Version : SDhelper.dll Causing IE 7 Final to Crash!

2006-10-19, 02:11
I just installed IE 7 Final on Windows XP Home SP2 and for what ever reason when I have a few tabs open and go to close IE 7 with a few tabs open IE 7 crashes. And the error says its caused by SDhelper.dll

Download crash info here

2006-10-20, 15:48

2006-10-20, 16:47
it looks like the SDHelper.dll file that blocks "bad downloading" of IE is not compatible with IE7.

from the Tools section of Spybot 1.4, click on Resident to open the Resident section and UNcheck the SDHelper option to disable Resident SDHelper protection for IE. hopefully IE7 will work without crashing your XP machine

see if this helps you out, gate1975mlm

2006-10-20, 18:10
it looks like the SDHelper.dll file that blocks "bad downloading" of IE is not compatible with IE7.

from the Tools section of Spybot 1.4, click on Resident to open the Resident section and UNcheck the SDHelper option to disable Resident SDHelper protection for IE. hopefully IE7 will work without crashing your XP machine

see if this helps you out, gate1975mlm
Thanks I will try that. But I hope its fixed in an update sometime soon.

2006-10-23, 06:47
Hi there

I will bring to the Teams' attention. :)

Lord Cobol
2006-10-23, 20:04
I'm curious how many people have this issue. I had brief access to a machine with both after I saw this thread, so I tried to beat it death with about 8 or 9 windows and about 8 or 9 tabs in the 1st window. No problem, but I didn't have time to test very long.

2006-10-23, 20:43
I'm curious how many people have this issue. Me too. :)

Tested and no problem on four machines.
XP Home SP2
XP Pro SP2

2006-10-24, 00:36
Me too. :)

Tested and no problem on four machines.
XP Home SP2
XP Pro SP2

How fast were your XP SP2 PCs, tashi?

we may also have to ask gate1975mlm how fast his XP computer is [aka. CPU type & speed and how much RAM is installed]

I'll see if I can test out Spybot 1.4 with IE7 on my XP SP2 home PC which is a custom-made computer 1.2Ghz Pentium 3 with 384 MB of RAM, 40Gb HD

2006-10-24, 01:15
Hi noel

They range:
512 -1536 Megabytes Installed Memory
Bus Clock:533- 800 megahertz
2.40-3.20 gigahertz Intel Pentium 4
8-16 kilobyte primary memory cache
512-2048 kilobyte secondary memory cache


2006-11-07, 01:30
I just installed IE 7 Final on Windows XP Home SP2 and for what ever reason when I have a few tabs open and go to close IE 7 with a few tabs open IE 7 crashes. And the error says its caused by SDhelper.dll

Download crash info here http://rapidshare.de/files/37277756/5612_appcompat.txt

I now have installed the final release of IE7 on my XP SP2 home ed. computer, tested Spybot 1.4 with SDHelper disabled first, ran IE7 with a bunch of tabs open & closed IE7. no crash. I enabled SDHelper in Spybot, ran IE7 with several tabs open and exited IE7. again no crash. the crash might be machine specific.

it would have been nice if gate1975mlm gave specs on his XP computer (cpu type/speed, hard drive brand/capacity and amount of RAM installed)

2006-11-07, 03:46
I had it occasionally with IE 7 betas and RC1, but not (yet) with IE7 final.

With the betas and RC1, it seemed random (occurred only about 4 times over a period of weeks using IE 7 daily), could not associate it with number of tabs.

Dell Dimension 8300 P4 3.0GHz (hyperthreading on), 1GB RAM, XP SP2 all updates

2006-11-17, 17:27

I am a service manager at a little computer shop in Pa. I have seen this issue on about 80% of the pc's we install IE7 on that are running Spybot. Our fix as stated before is to uncheck the sdhelper box. This is fine for a short term fix, but I hope this issue can be resolved. All pc's of course are various speeds some XP Pro some Xp Home SP2 and different sizes of ram. I have found no common piece between them except for the obvious.(IE7 & Spybot) IE7 is the final release.


md usa spybot fan
2006-11-17, 21:12

It seems odd to me that you are having a 80% failure rate with the SDHelper Browser Helper Object (BHO) after installing Internet Explorer 7.0 since overall there have been relatively few reports of the problem.

I personally have not experienced any problem with Internet Explorer 7.0 while running Spybot's SDHelper Browser Helper Object (BHO). I have run multiple IE 7 windows with multiple tabs open each without a problem.

Although possible, I would tend to doubt that the problem is related to physical characteristics of the system. I would lean more toward some sort of logical problem involving a combination of software or settings.

In that vain I offer the follow for comparison:

My Internet Explorer 7.0 was downloaded and installed via Windows update on a fully updated Window XP Home system with updates up to and including the updates from Microsoft's Tuesday, October 10, 2006 update release:
Microsoft Security Bulletin Summary for October, 2006
When my Internet Explorer 7.0 was installed, I had all Windows updates up to and including:

Security Update for Windows XP (KB923191)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB924496)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB923414)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB922819)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB924191)
Since installing Internet Explorer 7.0, I received and installed the following updates on Tuesday, November 14, 2006:

Security Update for Windows XP (KB920213)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB923980)
Security Update for Windows XP (KB924270)
From Internet Explorer > Help > About Internet Explorer

Internet Explorer
Version: 7.0.5730.11
Cipher Strength: 128-bit
Product ID: 84876-600-0011903-00102
Update Versions:0
My SDHelper.dll is from the original Spybot-S&D 1.4 installation program downloaded 2005/06/01 when Spybot-S&D 1.4 was first introduced. My Spybot-S&D 1.4 was last uninstalled and reinstalled 2006-01-16.

From Spybot > Mode > Advanced mode > Tools >BHOs:

{53707962-6F74-2D53-2644-206D7942484F} ()
BHO name:
CLSID name:
description: Spybot-S&D IE Browser plugin
classification: Legitimate
known filename: SDhelper.dll
info link: http://spybot.eon.net.au/
info source: Patrick M. Kolla
Long name: SDHelper.dll
Short name:
Date (created): 1/16/2006 12:47:42 PM
Date (last access): 11/17/2006 11:44:34 AM
Date (last write): 5/31/2005 1:04:00 AM
Filesize: 853672
Attributes: archive
MD5: 250D787A5712D7768DDC133B3E477759
CRC32: D4589A41
If everything above seems the same, it does not eliminate the possibility that a particular security setting (or the lack of) within Internet Explorer 7.0 could be causing the problem.

2006-11-17, 23:13

Just today I rebuilt a dell pc and with a clean install and all the updates from Microsoft after a fresh sp2 install. I installed Spybot before any other software did all Spybot updates, then closed Spybot and opened IE7 went to google.com and then closed IE and bam there it was same error.

Here is the message from the windows event viewer.

Faulting application iexplore.exe, version 7.0.5730.11, faulting module sdhelper.dll, version, fault address 0x00016ab4.

IE7 was downloaded today fresh from microsoft posted on there website 11/14/06
The Spybot install was downloaded today.

Both the most current installs.

Please don't turn this into a pissing match just research the issue. Unfortnately I did not write the software so I can't fix it. There is enough evidence on the web that this is a true problem. Just ignoring it doesn't solve a thing. take more than a few attempts to make it happen. I can get it to fail on a regular basis and so should you. I never take the time to post anything is forums. I have a busy schedule all week. If this issue wasn't real I wouldn't be here posting in this forum.


md usa spybot fan
2006-11-17, 23:28
IE7 was downloaded today fresh from microsoft posted on there website 11/14/06
There is one difference. My download/install was via Windows update not a direct download.

2006-11-17, 23:41
There is one difference. My download/install was via Windows update not a direct download.

This last time was was a manual download but I have used the windows udpates before and experienced the issue. I will try again, but I have been there before. I will give it another shot.


2006-11-21, 02:44
From the day I installed IE7 I starting receiving the error pointing to sdhelper.

But more often I got the infamous error that some memory location could not be read. The message always had ie7 in the caption bar.

Disabling sdhelper from within Spybot cured both problems. No errors for 3 days since I disabled sdhelper.

2006-11-21, 05:20
How fast were your XP SP2 PCs, tashi?

we may also have to ask gate1975mlm how fast his XP computer is [aka. CPU type & speed and how much RAM is installed]

I'll see if I can test out Spybot 1.4 with IE7 on my XP SP2 home PC which is a custom-made computer 1.2Ghz Pentium 3 with 384 MB of RAM, 40Gb HD

My specs are Intel Core 2 Duo 6400,2GB of Ram,300GB Hard Drive, Windows XP Home SP2, IE7 Final.

And I am still getting the error. The only fix is to disable SDhelper.dll

2006-11-21, 05:22
Hi there

I will bring to the Teams' attention. :)

Hi any update on when this will be fixed?

2006-11-21, 16:30
For something to be fixed it must first be determined what's wrong, which hasn't been done yet in this case.

From what little information is available thus far, I'd guess we are seeing another HyperThreading issue, though it could also be some other hardware related problem. The [small] number of complaints and fact that it's not constant or consistent point to hardware [system specific] interaction and those with the problem seem to have either HTT or Core 2 Duo processors. Since Jeff is likely delivering newer systems his hit rate of 80% might make sense, since they might commonly support these abilities or at least faster processors than what those without the problem have.

The problem in this case is that SDHelper.dll is a BHO and runs in the context of Internet Explorer, so it's not as simple to confirm as with the stand alone SpybotSD.exe process. Just as in this earlier case it will have to be bugged out on the systems of those with the problem, since it can't be easily reproduced elsewhere.

If you can determine anything else specific about the reason it occurs it might be helpful. Right now you have already defined the only known workaround, disabling the SDHelper.dll by unchecking it.


2006-11-28, 23:55
it looks like gate1975mlm and others who are using machines with CPUs newer than mine (and have IE7 final rel. + Spybot 1.4) have the SDHelper problem.

streetwolf, what kind of computer were you using when you had the SDHelper problem? as I told gate1975mlm, list the specs of your computer here.

same thing for you, jchopick. give the specs/details about your Dell machine here.

2006-11-29, 02:29
P4-HT 3.4GHz, 1GB RAM, XP Pro/SP2, IE7.

2006-11-29, 22:36
Below you will see 4 systems that are currently getting the sdhelper error.

My Specs

System #1

Intel P4 3.4ghz w/Hyperthreading
Intel D915PBLL MB
Samsung (2) 512MB DDR2
IE7 Final Release
Spybot 1.4

System #2

Intel P4 1.8ghz non-hyperthreading
Intel D850GB MB
Samsung (4) 128MB PC800 RDRAM
IE7 Final Release
Spybot 1.4

System #3

Intel Celeron 1.4ghz
Intel D815EEA2U MB
MIcron (2) 256MB PC133DS
IE7 Final Release
Spybot 1.4

System #4

Dell Dimension 2300
Intel Celeron 2.0GHZ non-hyperthreading
Dell intel d845 chipset
256MB PC 2100
IE7 Final Release
Spybot 1.4

I have been looking for a common piece with no luck. I did try to install IE7 from the windows update page with the same resulting error. The error doesn't happen everytime you close IE, but it it happens frequently. Not sure if any of this helps, but I will post if I stumble across anything.


2006-11-30, 01:39
Is it possible the problem is caused by another addon and not by hardware?

Perhaps an option in IE7 that some use and others don't?

Seems unlikely IMO that hardware is the culprit.

2007-09-20, 14:21
I did not experience the 1.4 abort, but am now having IE 7 hang with 1.5. I agree that this may be an unfortunate combination of add-ons.

2007-11-05, 16:00
In my experience ( Windows XP IE 7 S&D 1.5 ) the crash happens if several notification windows for SDhelper are sent to the background and not answered.

Here's how it happens ...

1. Browse to a web page
2. Window pops up indicating a bad link, with everyhting greyed out except for DENY
3. If you click on the initial web page anywhere, or sometimes by itself, the SDhelper window is sent behind the current window. If you pull the window out of the way you will see the SDhelper window behind it.
4. After 3/4 of these collect, IE crashes.

2007-11-05, 16:23
Bookmarked it in my things-to-look-into list :)
(wanted to look into SDHelper again for IE6+Google toolbar problem anyway)

2007-11-08, 17:57
I found that CNN video has a large number of instances where the SDHELPER window appeears behind the current window.

You will notice that video playback stalls, and if you try to close the window by clicking on the good ol red X , you get a BEEP response , and nothing else happens.

Pull the window down, and sure enough behind it is the SDHELPER window asking you to deny a bad URL.


md usa spybot fan
2007-11-08, 18:05

To get SDHelper to block silently so the dialog does not appear do one of the following:

Spybot 1.3 or 1.4:

Go into Spybot-S&D > Immunize. Look in the last section labeled "Permanently running bad download blocker for Internet Explorer". There are three modes of operation (options) which are in the pull-down below "Enable permanent blocking of bad addresses in Internet Explorer". They are:
Block all pages silently
Display dialog when blocking
Ask for blocking confirmation
Select "Block all pages silently".

Spybot 1.5:

Go into Internet Explorer > Tools > select "Spybot – Search Destroy Configuration". Then in the "Spybot-S&D - Configuration" window in the "Settings" tab under "When encountering bad things" you can select among:
Block all pages silently
Display dialog when blocking
Ask for blocking confirmation
Select "Block all pages silently".

2009-04-09, 18:29
I'm running spybot 1.3 and I tried setting the removal to silently.

I then re-allowed the SDHelper.dll in the IE7 add-ons

IE7 still crashes.

For now, I'll have to go with the disabling of SDHelper.dll.

I cannot keep running with IE7 crashing intermittently. It's too disruptive.

BTW, I'm running a P4 2.00 GHz single core provessor with 1 GB RAM - the most RAM I can install in this motherboard.

2009-04-09, 23:43
Spybot-Search&Destroy 1.3.x is no longer supported. That build is too outdated. Upgrade to Spybot-SD 1.6.2. (I would suggest that you do that):

2009-04-10, 12:29
Hi prabbit,

Spybot-Search&Destroy 1.3.x is no longer supported. That build is too outdated. Upgrade to Spybot-SD 1.6.2. (I would suggest that you do that):

But be sure that you un-install Spybot 1.3 completely (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/howto/uninstall.html) from your computer before you install 1.6.2. ;)

Moreover, but sure that your version of Spybot is always up to date. Otherwise, you aren't protected against the newest Malware. Thank you. :)

2009-06-04, 00:24
My IE 7 just crashed because of sdhelper.dll

2009-06-04, 09:53

As far as i know the latest sdhelper.dll should be
So you are running an old Spybot version.
Please uninstall Spybot - Search & Destroy according to the following link:
Then make a fresh install of Spybot - Search & Destroy 1.6.2.
You will find links to several download locations on our website:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2009-06-19, 16:17
I recently installed spybot (ver 1.6.2) and started noticing intermittent crashes attributed to SDHelper.dll. I have an up-to-date system with a fully patched IE7.

My hardware is a low-end Toshiba Satellite laptop with a Celeron 1.6GHz processor and 2GB RAM.

Not sure if this problem is the same one that was reported years ago or whether it is a new incarnation due to updates to Spybot and/or IE.

2009-06-29, 23:00
I have IE7 and Spybot version 1.6.2, and I have been having a multitude of crashes within the past two weeks. Any clues how to stop this?

2009-07-06, 17:36

I would recommend to upgrade to the latest browser version.
IE8 is already available.

Best regards
Team Spybot