View Full Version : SpyBot free for EDUs?

2006-10-25, 17:18
Is SpyBot free for EDU's? It seems there is a paid version with central management. But just as stand alone on university owned computers, that's covered under the free license?

2006-10-25, 17:53

Any installations at non private places are considered corporate.

At the universities staff pcs need to pay for a license
(50% of the regular price), those systems used for education only are free.

As they would cause a lot of update traffic we would like them to use our update server.
The only difference will be reduced traffic and the chance to use central configuration and schedules.

The update server is very easy to handle.

Please have also a look at our corporate homepage:

Best regards
Team Spybot

2006-10-26, 01:17
Please make your license clear. There's no reason why you can't be explicit about edu's. I'm sure she's the most wonderful girl, but better to be clear about the license.

Groups can't pray for the author nor wish him luck? What if a small corporation has a meeting for all employees and everyone had a moment of silent prayer for SpyBot's author and the support team?

Why not just be straight?

2006-10-26, 01:19
Does the update server manage the clients? Approve or disapprove changes? Push settings? produce reports of activity?

2006-10-26, 11:35
@JivaGoDas: under that condition, I guess I would have no objection :laugh:

We added License part II.e. (http://www.safer-networking.org/en/license/index.html) to make it some more clear; I agree that it could be more "clear"... in which direction? Some people like license agreements with every detail over dozens of pages, others like short and simple terms... and we don't really like to write legal documents :D: For Edus, the .ie site names the conditions btw :) (as Sandra said, only staff machines and at 50%, any s

If companies run the free version, they take away update bandwidth from home users who've maybe even donated for that, so we created the update server product to give them a chance to be more fair there ;) Features have been added and are being added; maybe you've seen the screenshots on the .ie site - the server is currently being tested under Linux as well, allows setting a schedule for scans on the clients, can override settings, lock the settings and tools part of Spybot-S&D with an admin password, email scan reports to an admin. It's not completely managing the clients, but we're moving more and more into that direction.