View Full Version : Registry modification alery: empty button?!

2005-12-08, 20:59
I just down loaded and installed Spybot on a new laptop two days ago.

I've been using Spybot for (it seems) forever on other machines, and I really appreciate what it does. However, on the new laptop (a plain $1000 Dell) I have seen twice a popup alert from Spybot warning me of a registry change, but the "do some action" button in the lower right of the alert is empty... since the button is empty, I have no idea what to do.

The first time this alert with an empty button appeared, I hit the close box in the upper right of the alert window, and the second time I tried (stupid, I know) clicking the empty button (thinking, they know what they're doing [authors of Spybot]). A moment later another alert displayed saying that the registry change had been denied. What is even more strange, the alert with the empty button appears very small- I have to drag the alert window's grow region to grow the alert window it so I can read the original and changed registry text, plus the original and changed registry text is the same! I was surprised and studied it... exactly the same.

Do I have a corrupt install? What's supposed to be inside that button?

Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated.

md usa spybot fan
2005-12-08, 21:18
There is currently a bug in TeaTimer 1.4. Portions of TeaTimer's pup-up dialog overlay the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons. On my system the very top edges of the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons are showing and I am still able to select the options. I also can check "Remember this decision" since it is visible. If no portion of the "Allow change" and "Deny change" buttons are showing, you can answer TeaTimer's popup dialog (English language version) by pressing "A" on your keyboard for "Allow change" or "D" for "Deny change". If you close the dialog the registry change will be denied.

If you can't deal with the problem that way until it is fixed, you can:
Apply one of the workarounds found in the following pinned (Sticky) thread that fixes the pop-up dialog so the buttons are visible:
Solution to fix the pop-ups in TeaTimer
Disable TeaTimer as follows:
Go into Spybot > Mode > Advanced Mode > Tools > Resident.
Uncheck the following:Resident "TeaTimer" (Protection of over-all system settings) Active.