View Full Version : SPYBOT "Servers"; can they recover lost files?

2006-11-18, 11:16
I am desperate to recover my Time Planner file, lost inadvertently about a week re- booting WINXP (since, several reboots, sys restores and attempts at data recovery with various FREEWARE apps).

Since, I ran S&D full registry scans daily, sometimes twice, and I received UPDATES via the web regularly...their servers obviously had the ability to scan my system, etc....could they possible have access to this file (C DRIVE, Program files)...I'd pay !

2006-11-18, 17:06

The software program scans your PC, not the safer-networking servers.

We do not receive any information from anyone's computer. :)

2006-11-18, 17:32
of course the spybot program scans the client, not the server.....but when they "scan" you system for updates...to determine whether or not your client-side apparatus is "current" OR in need of various updated downloads...they do indeed access your files.....just as microsoft, and many others do.

2006-11-18, 19:34
Updater sees if the program needs updating, not all the files on your PC.



I see you have also asked the same question over at the Spybot Forums

And the answer is the same. Our servers do not scan your computer nor would they have copies of your programs. Ad-Aware and Spybot are antispyware scanners that scan for spyware and remove it if found on your PC. They do not store copies of anything other than spyware removed. Our servers only deliver updates to your Ad-Aware program.

Added full quote from link provided.

2006-11-19, 06:08
SPYBOT S&D is a "file" and it is located on my hardrive, specifically my C Drive...if they are able to access that file, then they have the "capability" to access others.....Capability not intent was the basis of my inquiry..and just recovering one lost file. I must say with all due respect, the caliber of "input" within my first foray into this forum.....has been rather disappointing.

2006-11-19, 06:44
SpyBot is not a data recovery program
I fail to understand why anyone would think it has that capability nor why one would think or hope some lost files was backed up when updating the program, no need for brash comments......

md usa spybot fan
2006-11-19, 07:20

SPYBOT S&D is a "file" and it is located on my hardrive, specifically my C Drive...if they are able to access that file, then they have the "capability" to access others.....
During Spybot's update process the update servers do not actually access any files on your system. Files are download from those servers but no files are accessed by them.

When you initiate an update, the update process starts with the downloading of the spybotsd.ini file that contains information about what servers and updates are available. This information is written to the online.ini file. The online.ini file is compared with the downloaded.ini file which contains information about previous updates. That comparison determines what new updates are available for downloading.

The download of the spybotsd.ini file and any update files you download are downloaded via requests from your system. There is no upload of any information except the transmission protocol information required for the download processes.


I'm sorry to hear that you somehow lost a file that apparently was important to you.

There are services that you can subscribe to that allow you to backup your files to a network based servers, but those services don't come automatically with anti-spyware or anti-virus software (especially free ones).

Consider for a moment what would happen if the entire hard drive on your system should fail. Not only would you have replace the hard drive and reload the operating system and all the software came with the system, you would have to reinstall if not download and reinstall all the software that was added since the system was new. The worst part may not be just getting the system running again. Every file that you ever created and saved with that software would be gone.

Cause for reflection? I hope so!

Safe personal computing practices includes (but are certainly are not limited to) backing up all user data and the registry on a regular basis. I personally have external USB2 connected hard drives and take daily progressive (incremental) backups using Retrospect (a program that incidentally came gratis with the purchase of one of my external drives).

The incremental backup allows me to restore any file to any point when any backup was taken. In other words if I were accidentally save a file after modifying it and a new dump has been taken, I am not limited to restoring that file just to the last time the file was backed up. I can restore that file to any point in time that a dump was taken (yesterday, two days ago, a month ago or to the very first time I created that file.

I strongly suggest that you consider looking into backing up the information on your system.

2006-11-19, 20:18
"SpyBot is not a data recovery program
I fail to understand why anyone would think it has that capability..."

(The next box you will see is asking you if you'd like to backup the registry of your computer. The registry is large internal database that stores critical settings for your computer. If it is damaged during the spyware removal process and a registry backup is not available, your computer may need to be erased and re-installed. If you press Create registry backup, your computer will make a backup copy then go on to the next screen. ).......


as I look into changing my username to BRASHADVISOR06....I think you need to gets some sleep, become recertified and definitely "look before you SPEAK"..

KUDOS to md usa spybot fan for his overwhelmingly concise, definitive and objective response.......ultimate props!

2006-11-19, 23:42
Ok that is enough. Thanks everyone, this topic is closed.