View Full Version : Unable to download Updates via Software

2005-12-12, 16:50
First off, thanks you for a great program.

Here is the issue:
I have one computer (laptop) that is unable to download updates.

What happeneds is:
I select the update tab on the left, and select the get updates. According to the dialog box I get connected, however it then hangs. The Progress bar jumps to about 95% and the process starts using 98% CPU. Process completly locks and only way to exit is to kill process.

I have:

Uninstalled software, deleted all assosiated Directoried (Not Registery, as I can't find all the enteries)
Downloaded newest updates manually and applied
Download the updatesd.ini file from www.safer-networking.org/updates/spybotsd.ini

I am unable to:

Select a different mirror - Havn't got this far yet, I don't even download the updatesd.ini file.
Check the log, as no actual information gets generated.

Any suggestions?

I am unable to access the laptop right away. I'm going to compile a List of things todo and try them next time I am there.

Thanks In advance.

md usa spybot fan
2005-12-12, 18:38
Downloaded newest updates manually and applied
Are these the updates that you downloaded?
Downloads – Home of Spybot-S&D!
Detection updates 2005-12-09 - product description
md5: 37716E587907ADD1C25F39FC6591147E

This updates the detection rules. Only needed if you do not want to use the update function integrated into Spybot-S&D.

The direct link is:

Download the updatesd.ini file from www.safer-networking.org/updates/spybotsd.ini
Delete this file. It is only used during the integrate update procedure and is never stored on your system.

The update process appears to work as follows:
The update process downloads but doesn't permanently store the following file:
The information from the spybotsd.ini file is copied to:
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates\online.ini
Using control information from the Configuration.ini file (Note #1), the online.ini is compared to the following file to determine what updates (if any) are required (Note #2):
C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates\downloaded.ini
If it is determined that updates are required they are listed on the updates panel.
If the Update downloads.log does not show the download of the spybotsd.ini file or online.ini has not been created or the modified date time stamp on the online.ini is not changing, it would suggest that you are not connecting properly to download spybotsd.ini file. However, that would normally result in the connection attempt timing out after 15 seconds and displaying a "No newer updates available" message and or an error message.

If the modified date timestamp on the online.ini is changing, it seems that you are experiencing a problem while Spybot is attempting to determine what updates should be applied (#3 above).

I'm really any not sure what would cause this problem.
When you installed did you install in the default directories?
Do you have a Configuration.ini file in the proper location?
Has the C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates\online.ini been created and is the time stamp changing when you attempt to update?
Has the C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy\Updates\downloaded.ini been created?
Note #1: The Configuration.ini file stored in one of the following folders:
Windows 95 or 98:
C:\Windows\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy
Windows ME:
C:\Windows\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy
Windows NT, 2000 or XP:
C:\Documents and Settings\All Users\Application Data\Spybot - Search & Destroy
Note #2: If this file does not exist it is created during the update process by inspecting the files in the various C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy folders.

If you want to uninstall and reinstall again just to make sure (including deleting registry entries) the instructions are here:
How to uninstall?
Official download sites for Spybot-S&D 1.4:
Four (4) here:
Mirror Selection – The home of Spybot–S&D!

2005-12-12, 19:06
I downloaded the spybotsd.ini file only to show I was able to connect to the server. (Ie no firewalls, DNS or other I-Net related errors). I will print and use the fully uninstall instructions later this week and see if that helps. I did go though the REG to see if there was something relating to a server it was connecting too, however it would appeare that it is hard coded.

One other question, does SBSD use IE as a backend to access HTTP? or does it use some other connection method?


md usa spybot fan
2005-12-12, 19:31
I believe it is IE.