View Full Version : downloader zlob aty infection please help!!!

2006-12-15, 23:27

I have run avg anti spy ware on my laptop and it shows 16 infections on downloader zlob.aty on my pc, if i delete them they simply reinstall themselves. i have even tried doing this in safe mode but still get the same results.

Please Help

kind regards


2006-12-16, 10:51
Hi japan133 and welcome to Safer Networking Forums :)

Please follow the following instructions -> "BEFORE you POST" -Preliminary Steps and scanning with SPYBOT-S&D (http://forums.spybot.info/showthread.php?t=288)

So follow the instructions and post a HijackThis log to here
(Step 4)


2006-12-17, 00:49
Hi, thanks for the fast reply .....I have managed to get rid of the zlob virus but Im not sure how I done it ...did run Windows live one care scanner (it found three probs) then registry scan that found 759 faults ,corrected all this then ran AVG anti virus .....zlob had gone. Ran a registry scan OK ......ran a memory scan OK .......ran quick scan ok........then full scan OK .

Ran full Spybot scan OK laptop running fine .so once again thanks for the quick responce ,Ps the only other thing I did was to disable Tea Time from running as it was stopping regestry changes ?

Regards David.

2006-12-17, 11:29
That's great news and you're very welcome :D:

As the problem appears to be resolved this topic has been archived.

If you need it re-opened please send a private message (pm) to a forum staff member and provide a link to the thread; this applies only to the original topic starter.

Glad we could help :2thumb: