• Welcome Guest, to the Spybot Forums! It's 2025, and we just upgraded our forum software.

    Today is Safer Internet Day, and with our new forum, you can finally use passkeys to login. That was about time!

    Of course, you could ask if a forum is still useful, with so many social media networks out there where you might already have an account, and met a lot of users. You can now use your login from some of those networks to log in here. And by posting here, your question and data is stored on our servers and not automatically shared with a whole social media network.

    We'll also start using the forum for small bits of information, announcements and more again.


Updates, new software and more news from Safer Networking Limited.
If you've been to our forum this week, you might have noticed that it's running a new software. And you might ask yourself if forums are still a thing these days, with so many social networks around. At least we asked that question quite a few times. Here are our results, and how we came to ask this question in the first place. Our forum is dedicated to privacy and security, and people come to us asking for help on these topics. While there are many social media networks that could be used to interact with Team Spybot, our forums have the advantage of not sharing your issues with anyone connected to you, and with your data being saved with stricter rules than those social networks have (we do not share, except what any visitor can see...
It's time for another update to Spybot Anti-Beacon. Anti-Beacon 3.9 brings the usual small bugfixes (e.g. updates to OpenSSL 3.0), some preparations for localized versions to come, and a massive list of new tracking stuff it protects against. New are a lot of immunizers for Firefox, but there's also more Windows tracking and some bits for gamers. A complete list can be found at the below. Look for the update within Anti-Beacon or download from the website. Speaking about Firefox, we found a privacy focused variant of it called LibreWolf and added support to BrowsAlyzer 3.0.5 and the upcoming Spybot release. Windows Telemetry Razer Game Scanner Microsoft Visual Studio Feedback Microsoft Visual Studio Telemetry...
The 1st of February is called Change Your Password Day. We at Team Spybot usually do not celebrate this day, because a forced changing of passwords regularly usually leads to weaker passwords. This year we want to change the recommendation a bit: Check your passwords and change them so that you do not have the same password for any two services! Background: A technique called credential stuffing. Credential stuffing means that criminals take lists of credentials that have been compromised on some sites and see if they work on other sites. A few things can help: Keep separate passwords for each service, do not use your personal details such as your date of birth, do not use words that can be found in dictionaries. Use a...
Wrapping Up The Week: Using RegAlyzer to verify possible registry false positives
Read to the end for a chance to get a free licence! This week a customer informed us that a competing product was flagging entries created by Spybot as PUPS (Possibly UnPopular Software). To find out if Spybot was misbehaving or if the other tool had a false positive, you would have to look at the registry values that were flagged. This can be done with regedit.exe, which comes with Windows, and your favourite search engine. But it's also a good example of two features of our own registry editor called RegAlyzer - value interpretation and value documentation. RegAlyzer comes with a database of registry entry documentation created by us (plus it reads the Group Policy files of other software on your system to provide the...
Wrapping Up The Week: Command Line Scanner
Welcome to the new format of our news. In "Wrapping Up The Week", we'll give you a weekly insight into what we're doing. Here's our first part: In order to be a member of the Microsoft Virus Initiative, we have to prove that our software is able to detect a very high percentage of the latest malware files. Working on these tests mean to scan thousands of malware files. For our current test run, we've been using the command-line scanner built into the latest installer to see how it works for this purpose. And we found so many things that could be improved that we decided to update it. Here's a short list of the most useful and visible changes: Live removal during the scan, automated or prompted Structured colour output showing...
A certain security solution was recently uncovered to be harvesting and selling user data by the press recently. Many other major security software companies are tracking and spying as well. Is your antivirus software among them? Take a look at the new Antivirus category in Spybot Anti-Beacon 3.5! The post New Anti-Beacon 3.5 stops harvesting done by security software appeared first on Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus. More...
As all the world is talking or even going crazy about Black Friday we decided to do a Black Friday offer too. If you need to save some money, feel free to use our Black Friday discount. You may of course see your purchase as a contribution to our project and buy your license at... continue reading The post Black Friday 2019 appeared first on Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus. More...
Friday marked a day for a global climate strike, and the begin of the Week for Climate. We – the anti-malware industry – provide a technology that consumes a lot of electrical energy. Dedicated computers running 24/7 process millions of malware files each day on our side. Computers running anti-malware scans use up a lot... continue reading The post “Forensics for Future” appeared first on Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus. More...
The latest version of SpyBot Anti-Beacon (version 3.4) has just been released. This new version improves and increases the level of protection of your privacy well beyond what was offered in previous versions. Our development team have analyzed even more of the data being sent from your PC to the Internet and identified additional third... continue reading The post A new version of Anti-Beacon (Version 3.4) has just been released appeared first on Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus. More...
Don’t wait until the banks implement 2FA authentication for your credit card. Take action now… Banks in Europe are planning on introducing 2FA as a way of improving security. If any of your accounts have already been compromised, despite this, you could be still be exposed. Spybot Identity Monitor allows you to check if any... continue reading The post Use Spybot Identity Monitor to check if any your accounts or email address have been compromised appeared first on Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus. More...
Does anybody remember E.T.? Yes, that was a long time ago, and the cute alien really wanted to “phone home”. That might have been entertaining in 1982 – but today it is a bit different… Nowadays, some software companies seem to be obsessed with “feedback”. Error reports? Send them off to Mummy. Process operations? Quickly... continue reading The post Does anybody remember E.T.? appeared first on Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus. More...
Original Article By Filip Truta on Jul 19, 2018 2018 will be remembered by many in the corporate world as the year the GDPR kicked in. Every organization covered by the EU’s new regulation had a year’s heads up to ensure conformity, yet few today are 100% compliant. However, new data suggests a few good... continue reading The post Business’ Priority with GDPR is the Customers appeared first on Spybot Anti-Malware and Antivirus. More...
In this tutorial, Rob from Team Spybot does a walkthrough of Spybot Anti-Beacon 2.3 and the changes and features of the program. If you experience any issues with this walkthrough, or have any queries or suggestions, please feel free to … Continue reading → The post Spybot Anti-Beacon 2.3 (Video Tutorial) appeared first on - Spybot Anti-malware and Antivirus. More...
Original Article By Filip Truta on Jul 19, 2018 2018 will be remembered by many in the corporate world as the year the GDPR kicked in. Every organization covered by the EU’s new regulation had a year’s heads up to … Continue reading → The post Business’ Priority with GDPR is the Customers appeared first on - Spybot Anti-malware and Antivirus. More...
In this tutorial, Rob from Team Spybot does a walkthrough of the steps involved in performing a complete system scan with Spybot +AV. If you experience any issues with this walkthrough, or have any queries or suggestions, please feel free … Continue reading → The post System Scan (Video Tutorial) appeared first on - Spybot Anti-malware and Antivirus. More...
Your opinion matters! – your experience can help us to continue to improve. We would really appreciate it if you complete a short survey and give us your honest opinion about #Spybot and our other products. Spybot Survey The post Your Shout! appeared first on - Spybot Anti-malware and Antivirus. More...
Today we give you Spybot Anti-Beacon 2.2, which protects you from RedShell-using games calling home. Once installed, you can verify that they’re blocked by pressing Customize and checking the RedShell option. RedShell is a tracking module that comes shipped with … Continue reading → The post Anti-Beacon protects Gamers! appeared first on - Spybot Anti-malware and Antivirus. More...
The World Cup has just kicked off! The Irish Team won’t be there this year, but we are good sports, so we are offering a discount on all of our Spybot products. Simply enter the voucher code ‘twenty18’ on the … Continue reading → The post World Cup Special Offer appeared first on - Spybot Anti-malware and Antivirus. More...