Separate Secure Shredder suggestion
Separate Secure Shredder suggestion:
Followup on a gripe by Sliztzan in the following thread:
Please consider adding a feature to the Spybot > Mode > Advance mode > Tools > Secure Shredder facility that would allow the addition or removal of the standalone context menu driven "Separate Secure Shredder" after the installation of Spybot.
Firefox & Flock support. . .
When working on firefox support, please simultaneously add support for flock.
It is based directly on firefox. It almost seems like a permanent plugin and skin since its still firefox underneath, but it has changed paths so plugins with hard coded path information, and Spybot, don't look in the right spot for various information. And immunization thus probably is not doing anything either.
I am assuming from the previous post that when you say firefox is supported, you don't directly control it as you do IE (I see the link in tea timer), and that when hooked it will be done as a plugin (per previous poster)? I am already running adblock plus with additional subscriptions. But I am getting some that they missed via your HOSTNAME blocks (I see the image not available tag from the browser).
Instead of hook, your current support is scanning the directory's and registry correct? which is better than nothing, but I don't know if I've been had since its not scanning flock's directories.
If you don't hook then what is the protection/immunization doing when it is protecting firefox?
Also until Tea-timer becomes a service, make it easier to restart it. I saw it was not running the other day and could not find how to run it. I looked in the start menu, programs folder, and inside spybot. I think it used to be on the immunization page.