Lolz, yup. My husband's even worse. He had an Atari when I met him! Now, that's not totally why I married him, but it certainly helped. Sadly, we no longer have it. :laugh:
One X.....
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Lolz, yup. My husband's even worse. He had an Atari when I met him! Now, that's not totally why I married him, but it certainly helped. Sadly, we no longer have it. :laugh:
One X.....
Poor l'il cube, didn't stand a chance. :laugh:
Cube Lab.....
wish I had the brains
You just peel the stickers off, put them into place, assume what you hope is a smart looking expression, slam the cube down and announce "done", then hope nobody asks for a demonstration. :laugh:
Another favourite I remember people doing used to be taking the rubik's cube apart, and putting it back together with the colours in the right place.
Bet I couldn't even do it that way.
I looked up how to solve a rubik's cube online once, and I still don't know how to do it. I think I solved it once pre-internet, and then I was never able to do it again. :red:
Then you did much better then me, I never solved it