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Oh, the r n ran together to look like an m. Now it looks like I was calling my Mom a virus or something. lol! :laugh:
To my brother's children I am their favorite Aunt
My cousins refer to my youngest Aunt as the "cool Aunt." Since their only other aunt is my Mom, I briefly considered going out and getting my Mom a leather jacket and maybe a lip piercing to compete, but I never got around to it yet. :laugh:
My niece sat between my sister and myself once and my foolish sister asked her who was her favorite Aunt?
No hesitation at all, she blurted out aunt Julie. After my sister got herself back up off the floor we all had a good laugh.
hehe, it was good of your sister to laugh about it. In some families that would have been world war III! :laugh:
We've laughed about it many times since
Granny Smith
with vanilla ice cream. And a tea. Okay, that's it....time for an after midnight snack.
Actually, it's so late instead of a snack, I could just have breakfast. :laugh: