You know, if you throw in some OxyClean in your mouth, you'll be fine in no time. Or even better, knock yourself out with a hammer.
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You know, if you throw in some OxyClean in your mouth, you'll be fine in no time. Or even better, knock yourself out with a hammer.
OxiClean in mouth? That's no go. With a hammer? But which size? Small, Medium, Large, Extra Large?
You take the largest size of course. Extra Large, with a zap of lightning should knock you out.
Too late. Since yesterday I have toothache again. I'll have to go on X-Ray now.
Don't worry tell the doctor to knock you out cold. With some hammer. Or sorts.
It didn't. Only i need to take 1 pill (which smells and taste is gross) every 12h (8/16 pills taken). 49 out of 50 x-rays left. At least no toothache.
Erg, forget it. Hide in a hole and take all those pills at once.
That's nuts!
Those pills would kill me if I take them all at once!
Crepes. I'm missing that little accent/arrow on the first 'e'.
You know I'm just kidding Tom. Brighten up.
I know, but I'm taking some jokes seriously. Only my own brain saves me to avoid that. And btw, has someone's iPhone exploded or broke while talking or else? 2 people had this problem yesterday.