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Thread: Google getting ready to block all 3rd party programs

  1. #1
    Junior Member Lone_Wolf_78's Avatar
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    Apr 2018
    Edmonton, Alberta, Canada

    Angry Google getting ready to block all 3rd party programs

    As many have by now in some form or another encountered a Problem with Windows 10 version 1803 it should be no surprise how many forums exist about help required for a myriad of topics about it. My latest botch job has revealed that Microsoft & Google both while trying to fix compatibility issues EACH CREATED ANOTHER ISSUE!! Except now Google has a FINAL SOLUTION TO ALL INCOMPATIBILITIES
    Google is preparing to roll out a new system in which any & all 3rd party programs ARE GOING TO BE BLOCKED!! This Means our Spy Bot & any other antimalware or other protection program is going to be BLOCKED!! My proof is in the screenshots taken not long ago after seeing that both Spy Bot & Malwarebytes both are INCOMPATIBILE TO THE POINT OF PREVENTING OF GOOGLE CHROME FROM WORKING PROPERLY!





    This is the site where I got the information & you can see by the dates' IT IS ACCURATE & CURRENT!!
    HTML Code:!topic/chrome/pTxH3Yu7XVc;context-place=topicsearchin/chrome/incompatible$20programs$20in$20chrome$20only

  2. #2
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
    Join Date
    Oct 2005


    Hello Lone_Wolf_78,

    Interesting topic, thank you for posting.

    A Chrome developer in that thread:
    "This is related to a new feature that aims to prevent third party software from injecting into Chrome's processes and interfering with its code. This type of software injection is rampant on the Windows platform, and causes significant stability issues (crashes). The Microsoft Edge browser already does this kind of blocking, and we are in the process of making Chrome behave similarly"

    "Additionally, this feature is currently considered experimental so not all users will see these warnings."

    The articles he linked to:

    Protecting Microsoft Edge against binary injection

    Google to Block Third-Party Software from Injecting Code into Chrome Browser

    Best regards.
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
    Windows Insider MVP 2016-2018
    Microsoft Consumer Security MVP 2006-2016

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