
Bing Ads lead to Blackhole powered Sirefef malware
March 25, 2013 - "... found rogue adverts in Bing, leading end-users to pages serving up Sirefef Malware via the Blackhole Exploit Kit. The searches weren’t obscure or particularly complicated – in the below example we’re searching for 7Zip:
... The above would lead end-users to a .pk site (.pk is Pakistan, in case you were wondering) which appeared to be serving up content related to the Neutrino exploit kit. We reported the ads to Microsoft who seem to have killed off the relevant adverts, but end-users should be advised that there may well be more of them out there. Additionally, some of the exploit sites are coming in and out of rotation – that is to say, some of them will lead nowhere for a while, only to come back to life serving up more badness. At least some of this is targeting users by region – some pages wouldn’t load until the researchers examining them changed their location. Bad ads come around every so often in most search engines, and checking a site out before deciding to click an unfamiliar sponsored link may save you a lot of trouble further down the line. The most straightforward of searches can quickly lead you to a site trying to exploit your PC, and a splash of caution will do you the world of good."
- Chris Boyd