So I have SpyBot set to scan automatically every morning. Until I knew about the /onlyspyware switch, it would just wipe out everything and I'd have to sign back in to all of the websites I visit every day. I finally found out that there is an /onlyspyware switch, but I can't get it to work. I tried using it without also including /autofix and that wasn't working, so I tried putting /autofix in there too and it still doesn't work. Is there a certain order the parameters need to be in or something? I tried the following to no avail:
/autocheck /onlyspyware /autoclose /autoupdate
/autocheck /autofix /onlyspyware /autoclose /autoupdate
/autocheck /onlyspyware /autofix /autoclose /autoupdate
/autofix /autocheck /onlyspyware /autoclose /autoupdate
/autocheck /onlyspyware /autoclose /autoupdate /autofix
/autoupdate /autocheck /autofix /autoclose /onlyspyware
