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Thread: Computer destroyed: HELP and BEGGING, puhlease?

  1. #1
    Join Date
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    Happiness: State of Mind

    Exclamation Computer destroyed: HELP and BEGGING, puhlease?

    My 16 year old nephew was visiting from out of town yesterday (Xmas eve, 07).

    Thank God my Desktop was password protected.

    He had gotten in my docked Dell 8200 Inspiron and virtually destroyed the way it runs.

    I called him long distance this afternoon to a plane when he was flying to another place and asked him as politely as possible :


    His reply:
    I know it was something called Spybot Search and Destroy 1.4, and as I remember I was into tweaking your browser: I.E. Version 6, bye.

    --I’ve lost many of my Programs (Adobe is a good example, I haven’t checked them all yet)
    -- I’ve lost the the NetGear WGR614 router connection and encryption.
    -- My Modem (a Siemens Speed Stream 5100 for DSL Pro from SBC) was fried according to an SBC 2nd tier technician.
    -- That’s what I know for sure so far.

    HELP and here’s my questions, PLEASE, as in Begging:
    How can I undo ALL these changes that lil F***er made, or am I looking at a format/re-install?

    I’m in a state of anguish over this I’m about ready to EXPLODE!
    This is my primary Busine$$ machine!

    Partially my own fault.
    I don’t do back-ups on this program, and I’m not familiar enough with it in advanced mode to undo all these changes and get the frapping thing back to normal.

    All I have done so far between Holiday things is try a systems restore without any luck, and email the form from: to see if there is fee based assistance available.

    I realize this is going to cost me some $$, and I sure wouldn’t ask the Mfgr. of a free program for free help.

    All I know for sure: THIS THING is a discombobulated mess!

    Groucho/USA willing to kick for any and all long distance phone calls if that is even necessary or possible to restore this.

    Sorry for the lengthy post. I guess that’s better than beating an inquistive poor 16 year old sense-less!

    Sure to be one , I'll NEVER forget.


    (Moderators: yes I did search the forums first and only came up with fragmented advice: some over 2-3 years old)

  2. #2
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by groucho View Post

    My 16 year old nephew was visiting from out of town yesterday (Xmas eve, 07).

    Thank God my Desktop was password protected.

    He had gotten in my docked Dell 8200 Inspiron and virtually destroyed the way it runs.
    Your nephew was surely doing much more than tweaking your browser.

    --I’ve lost many of my Programs (Adobe is a good example, I haven’t checked them all yet)
    -- I’ve lost the the NetGear WGR614 router connection and encryption.
    -- My Modem (a Siemens Speed Stream 5100 for DSL Pro from SBC) was fried according to an SBC 2nd tier technician.
    Fried a modem?

    Perhaps you can reach him or his parents for more details?

    Best wishes.
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
    Windows Insider MVP 2016-2018
    Microsoft Consumer Security MVP 2006-2016

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Happiness: State of Mind


    Tashi: Thank you for the reply.

    I'm not going to be able to reach anyone in that family until 2008: period.

    I keep running the program over and over and over (like he claims he was doing whiile playing a game) and then checking all found problems and selecting Recovery on the left side of the main pane.

    I have gotten to the point where (at least) it recognizes my router's IP instead of some unknown one.

    Is that "Progress" or am I wasting my time?

    By the way: I am NOT downloading any more updates, like the 3) today (12/26/07) until I get this thing where I can connect to the net. (Wouldn't work right now anyway: because I can NOT)

    It really doesn't matter if this was done intentionally or not: I can't punish anyone anyway.

    Last edited by groucho; 2007-12-26 at 16:15. Reason: Found the 3) latest updates on my desktop

  4. #4
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Hi groucho.

    Can you give further details:
    My Modem (a Siemens Speed Stream 5100 for DSL Pro from SBC) was fried according to an SBC 2nd tier technician.
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
    Windows Insider MVP 2016-2018
    Microsoft Consumer Security MVP 2006-2016

  5. #5
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    What do you need, please and I can provide anything you need or want.

    If SBC support says my older Siemans 5100 is defective: all I can do is trust them.
    I went out and bought a Siemans model 4100: and it was defective right out of the box.
    I found my first one I got when I started using broadband about 8-10 years ago and it is working (or I wouldn't be able to post this): a Siemans 5260.

    SBC claims the latest, greatest they recommend and support is a Motorola Model 2210.

    Whatever I chose there are unbelievably as this sounds: NONE ON any shelves locally.

    Right now: I just ran another scan and it found:
    -- Log.....4 entries
    -- MS Media Player.....1entry
    -- MS OFFICE 10.0 (Word) 1 entry
    -- Windows Explorer..... 3 entries

    I have been selecting these then clicking on Recovery on the left window pane.

    Am I doing this correctly?

    I'll wait for a reply B4 I proceed, ok?

    Thanks again!


  6. #6
    Senior Member honda12's Avatar
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    Red face

    hi groucho,

    Maybe you should change your location details from "Happiness: State of mind" to something else!

    Hope you can sort out that computer! Personally if that happened to me, I would blow up the computer in a rage and probably live in anger until I got a new, better computer!


    this post probably won't help you in anyway possible...heh


  7. #7
    Senior Member honda12's Avatar
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    I would suspect you are probably infected with malware aswell (what kind of 'game' was he playing?)...I never trust 'games' and 'tweaks'. (as they usually come bundled with more than you expect. ie viruses! And if they mess with the registry, they can really destroy the way your computer works. Personally, this is what I think he did to your computer. He tried to 'tweak' ie6 by changing registry values and that caused your computer to nosedive into a downward spiral to destruction. That is just my opinion )

    People do more harm than good to a computer by doing 'tweaks'. The best way to speed up a pc isn't changing some registry value, it is upgrading your hardware, like increasing your ram.

    Anyway, you shouldn't really trust me for anything about computers...just listen to the experts, as they know best!


  8. #8
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Hello groucho.

    I am confused as to what was done to the computer and the modem connection.

    Also I wonder why your nephew was running Spybot-S&D while gaming and trying to tweak IE.

    This is a good reminder to anyone leaving their machine running with guests in the house, to lock the computer. Also to do regular backups.

    • Switch Spybot S&D to advanced mode
    • Navigate to tools - view report
    • Click "view report" to generate a new report
    • Click "view previous report" to access older / automatically generated reports
    • Click "export" to save the report to a text file and attach it here
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
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    Microsoft Consumer Security MVP 2006-2016

  9. #9
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    He was playing a game that doesn't even require an internet connection: Hoyle 3D casino.

    I know that because a new profile had been created.

    The history list (which he had not cleared) showed he went ......."no--where-what-so-ever"

    I (only) suspect the modem was fried when he plugged in an electric heater to the same strip outlet all my electronics are plugged into.

    Therefore: If I was some kinda detective, , my guess is he couldn't have surfed.

    Glad that's the only device I lost.

    Give me a few minutes to study the report you asked for.

    I'm going to have to copy it to some media & transfer it.
    Thank God I choose not to network all my 'puters.


    I can choose to be Happy and am in general.

    I could also choose to be miserable.
    I prefer #1. Makes me feel better.

    If that's all the damage I did at 16, I wouldn't still be suffering the consequenses of one mis-spent youth.

  10. #10
    Senior Member honda12's Avatar
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    I admire your persistence and optimistic attitude

    Im not a computer geek as such, but I will try to do what I can to 'help' the community. As through other people's problems I learn so much

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