
Fake ‘Amazon order’ email exploits recent Java vuln ...
03 Sep 2012 - "... Websense... has detected a new malicious email campaign purporting to be an order verification email from Amazon directing victims to a page containing the recent Java exploit. If successful, this exploit could allow the cyber-criminals behind this campaign to deliver further malicious payloads to the victim’s machine which, for example, could lead to the exfiltration of personal and financial data. Oracle have released an out-of-band patch for this Java vulnerability (Oracle release Java 1.7.0_07 to fix CVE-2012-4681*)... On 1st September, Websense... intercepted over 10,000 malicious emails with the subject ‘You Order With’ enticing the recipient to ‘click here’ to verify a fictitious order as shown in this sample:
Once the victim has clicked the link, they are redirected to an obfuscated page hosting the Blackhole Exploit Kit... an analysis of this file can also be found on VirusTotal**..."


File name: 9c5abf8889c34b3a36c6699b40ef6717c95ac6e1
Detection ratio: 12/42
Analysis date: 2012-09-03