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Thread: Can't connect to server?

  1. #71
    Junior Member
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    Apr 2010

    Default I got IE to work

    so i got spybot s&d to run on my pc, and i was able to get IE and other Microsoft products to work too, but still can't seem to run updates off of the spybot s&d. i tried using the online Microsoft scanner and that didn't work either. i don't see any signs of virus, but I'm sure there has to be something going on here.

    can anyone tell me how to access the Manuel update settings? and what do i need to set them to, to get this update going?

  2. #72
    Junior Member
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    May 2010

    Default Can't connect to the server at all....

    This self same thing has now happend to me. The advice all seems very good about unchecking update at time of instalation but one of my computers will not connect to safer networking site at all. I have used chrome as well but it just tells me the DNS can't be resolved.

    I have 3 computers all connected to a common router (2 wired and 1 wireless) and the other two have no problems but the third (wired) doesn't recognise SW site at all. Downloading updates via the other computers is not a problem but clearly there is something lurking in the system which isn't good and clearly is attcking spybot it's self. Firewall has nothing to do with it as it's been the same with it on and off and before it was installed etc etc....

    Is Spybot under attack??? Some one must know what's going on because I'm stumped.

  3. #73
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    You could look in your Hosts file on the affected computer,which should be located at:
    Windows 95 - C:windows
    Windows 98 - C:\windows
    Windows Me - C:\windows
    Windows 2000 - C:windows\system32\drivers\etc
    Windows XP - C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
    Windows NT - C:\winnt\system32\drivers\etc
    Windows Vista - C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc
    Windows 7 - C:\windows\system32\drivers\etc

    Do you see any entries similar to something like this?

  4. #74
    Junior Member
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    May 2010

    Default Still no connection...

    Thanks for the advice. However there are lots of entries but none with safer-networking listed. I assume that the prevents the listed sites from connecting to a web page so the absence of an entry for the safer networking site means I should be able to get on line!.

    I have downloaded the updates onto another computer and run spybot but still can not connect to the website. Any other suggestions?

  5. #75
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Are you able to access with the affected computer using the above website?

    Did all the entries in the hosts file have listed in front of them,or were there entries listed that had a different number in front of it?

    And,are you having any other noticeable problems with the computer that can't access the Spybot site?

  6. #76
    Junior Member
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    May 2010


    Thanks for the advice. I will look back over the entries. All the entries have the same The computer appears to be working in all other respects. There are times when a selected site returns the link appears to be broken. but refreshing the address usually brings it up. There appears to be one other issue and that is that IE protected mode doesn't seem to operate. Switching it on and or off makes no difference and any downloads indicate that the download checker is not functioning. One final issue is that AVG doesn't indicate dangerous websites with a red cross, come to that it doesn't show the green tick either. The final oddity that appears to just suddenly happen is that my scanner isn't recognised! I am not at the computer in question so will try the anonymouse website as soon as I get back and will post a reply. Thank you for helping.

  7. #77
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    You're welcome.
    re:Protected Mode not working in Internet UAC turned on?

    Could you doubleclick AVG,then doubleclick LinkScanner?Is there a checkmark beside Enable AVG Search-Shield?

  8. #78
    Junior Member
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    May 2010

    Default No access to safer networking web site

    Yes I can get to the website using! no problem with that and yes AVG search shield is ticked.

  9. #79
    Junior Member
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    May 2010

    Default No access to safer networking web site

    Sorry what is UAC?

  10. #80
    Senior Member
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    Oct 2005



    If you’ve used Windows Vista for more than 3.7 minutes, you know what UAC (User Account Control) is.. it’s the obnoxious, nagging popup window that will be your life for the next 3-5 years unless you switch back to XP in frustration.

    See here.

    Best regards
    Team Spybot

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