Spybot SD 1.6 adds a new feature, to clear temp files - and it seems as if this defaults to Yes if the pop-up dialog box is ignored.

That's a problem when that dialog box pops up with unreadable text (looks blank, or just a few stray pixels) when running from Bart PE CDR boot - it falls through to act destructively. Bad news if your SOP is to redefine %Temp% within Bart sessions so as to collect current session activity to be retained!

So we need a CLI parameter to suppress this behavior, or (ideally) re-position this feature as OFF by default, and something to be initiated from the "front page" rather than as an in-line nag on app startup.

I do relocate Temp, TIF etc. from Bart boot to break links to any undetected malware there - but I want to retain this material for forensics, not have it irreversably auto-deleted.