Can anyone confirm that they have Spybot v1.6.2.x working under Win 98? I can't seem to get it working under Win98 (symptoms below). I first installed it over the previous version. When this didn't work, I uninstalled Spybot completely and did a clean install of 1.6.2.x.

Here are the symptoms.

After I install 1.6.2 the program opens and I can fetch updates.

However, after I fetch updates I can no longer open the program. When I start the program, the initial progress bar opens. The progress meter goes almost to the end. And that's it. If I open Task Manager the Spybot task is "not responding". Also CPU use goes through the roof.

Oh yes. And while all this is happening something (presumably Spybot) is banging away at my HD. I have left Spybot doing this for over an hour before having to kill the task.

This happens on both my Win98 systems.

In addition, I having also have the same UI corruption problem I had under Win 98 with the initial 1.5 releases of Spybot. If I use the Teatimer tray icon to open the Spybot updater everything is fine. I can fetch updates and close the updates Window.

However, if I open the program (I can do this before I fetch updates for the first time after installing 1.6.2.x), fetch the updates, and then try to exit the update window, the update window does not close. Instead, Spybot "freezes" and appears as "not responding" in Task Manager.
