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Thread: Conflict with avast antivirus, read first!

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2009

    Default Conflict with avast antivirus, read first!

    I'm not affiliated with Safer-Networking nor Avast but am a customer of both. I believe Avast really screwed the pooch on this one... As of 12/03/09 CST, Avast Antivirus Database Update (VPS: 091203-0, 12/03/2009), is FUBAR. You would think Avast would have been a bit more proactive on rolling out updates.. It seems this update to the virus database for Avast Antivirus, is labeling everything related to Spybot, as a trojan (Win32:Delf-MZG). I've had 5 files labeled and the number is still growing... (VOL_TO~1.DLL, teatimer.exe, advcheck.dll, SDHELPER.DLL and SpybotSD.exe) I've also been seeing threads popping up on other forums, that it's also labeling system files as being infected as well. In turn some users are quarantining and deleting these files, which in turn are causing there systems to crash, hang and fail. For the meantime I would suggest not deleting any of the files that are legitimate resource files for Spybot or other programs you know to be safe, ESPECIALLY system files.. Safer Networking, you guys need to jump on board and start issuing statements before you start losing customers, as 95% of the alerts, are targeting spybot resource files and executables as trojans. I've also opened a ticket with Avast who is NOT being proactive in publicly adressing this...

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2009

    Exclamation **update**

    Avast has responded and issued a fix. Immediately update your iAVS from the previous version which has the issue: 091203-0, to the updated fix: 091203-1. Then update the program itself, from version: 4.8.1356, to the updated version: 4.8.1368. Restart your computer.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Dec 2009

    Default What were they thinking..

    Man, this could have gotten out of hand, real fast. Except for the 5% of users who were quarantining and deleting system files, which started to grow to 10%, 95% of the false positives were specifically targeting Spybot. What were they thinking?

  4. #4
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Avast forum: Win32:Delf-MZG false positive issue statement.
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
    Windows Insider MVP 2016-2018
    Microsoft Consumer Security MVP 2006-2016

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Talking Yep

    Yeah I saw that. They issued that statement not too much longer after they acknowledged my ticket and released the patch. Noticed they didn't mention Spybot... Unless that falls under the "etc." category... At least our beloved "InspectorGadget" is still functioning properly!
    Last edited by AGGROxp; 2009-12-03 at 09:31.

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    For me, it not only took Spybot, but also screwed up Google Chrome, Ad-Aware 2008 (that I never used) and messed up my dial-up connection settings. My computer was so messed up I had to take it in to have it reconfigured as some of Windows DLL files were also corrupt.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mugrb View Post
    For me, it not only took Spybot, but also screwed up Google Chrome, Ad-Aware 2008 (that I never used) and messed up my dial-up connection settings. My computer was so messed up I had to take it in to have it reconfigured as some of Windows DLL files were also corrupt.
    I had the same problem, only worse. It not only messed up my dial-up connection settings, but all the interenet connection settings aswell. I had a lot of problem with my PC then.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2011


    It's quite usual feature of using Avast
    i don't use it anymore, there are many others

  9. #9
    Senior Member
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    May 2009


    I've had no problems with Avast 6.0.1203 and SpyBot Search & Destroy This is an old thread which you've resurrected.

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