Hello, I am seeking assistance and assuming that I will need analysis tools in correcting my foolish error. I hope that this is the correct place to request help.

Originally, my goal was to uninstall Microsoft Office as it was not working. I was unable to uninstall using Vistas Programs and Features in the control panel. I found this page online... http://www.daniweb.com/forums/thread94702.html#. I then followed the link to this Microsoft Support page... http://support.microsoft.com/kb/928218/en-us. I followed the instructions on this page and restarted my laptop, however I found that I still had the same problem with Microsoft Office. Now, I have the problem that my AVG won't work, and when I start the laptop it tells me that there is a problem with Pinyin IME. I appear to have deleted files that I need. I don't know anything about what mistakes I made as I just followed the instructions on the Microsoft Support page. I would greatly appreciate any assistance in fixing my errors. Thanks.