
Bogus CNN Custom Alerts
08.08.2008 - " Websense... has discovered replica CNN Custom Email Alerts being sent out via spam emails. These emails contain links to a legitimate news page, but have been designed to encourage users to download a malicious application posing as a video codec. Over the last few days, the ThreatSeeker Network has seen huge volumes of spam wrapped up in CNN-themed templates - most recently email alerts listing the Daily Top 10 Stories and Videos, which also encouraged users to download a video codec (again a malicious file)... The malicious payload is only accessed when the user clicks on the ‘FULL STORY’ link - the first link behind the story title leads to a legitimate news page hosted on CNN. The news story is a recent article centered around the Beijing Olympics. The ‘FULL STORY’ link takes users to a Web page by the name of cnn****.html. This issues a pop-up encouraging users to download a ‘missing’ video codec, a file called adobe_flash.exe... Our Security Labs have also seen evidence of this campaign and recent others being distributed via blog spam to further increase the chance of success..."

(Screenshots available at the URL above.)