Hello Spybot Forums,I finally got done with college and it's great to be on this website again.I am having a very frustrating problem with my computer,I bought Fallout New vegas and Fallout 3 for the PC even though I went to go study computer programming,I can't find the way to fix this annoying beeping noise that always starts when playing a game.When either playing Fallout 3 or New vegas,my Personal computer starts to make a beeping noise,I did some research that it could be over heating which is impossible because I just cleaned it not to long ago.I think it is when I installed arrogant Vista Ultimate back in February that it would beep when playing a gem.The beeping noise starts when the cpu's temperature is around 38 Celsius it starts to make that beeping sound,but when I exit out of the game,it stops.I have the requirements for both games.Can I please get some help,any answer will be much appreciated.