I searched the forum and found many posts from users like myself that have been unable to uninstall Spybot 2 beta through any of the normal routes. I've concluded the answer to my problem is to uninstall while in safe mode.

I'm probably being daft, but I have never uninstalled a program in safe mode and would really appreciate it if you could walk me through it? To be clear, I need step-by-step instructions to perform uninstall of SPYBOT 2 BETA while in safe mode using an XP operating system including any steps I must do prior to rebooting to access safe mode. I know how to enter with F8.

Don't think you will need to know this for the procedure but my errors are
C:\Program Files|Spybot Search & Destroy 2|unins000.msg is missing

IMPORTANT FILES ARE MISSING!The following files are missing:HELP FILE(Help/Spybot2.chm)

I must agree with a few other posts that I read because I also had no idea what I was getting myself into with the beta version. I have been huge fan of Spybot for many years now and constantly recommend it to people, so when I noticed the download for Spybot 2 I was excited and couldn't wait to have it! I figured giving some feedback on issues was well worth it.

Can't wait until you guys get the kinks worked out but until then I will just chalk it up to lesson learned, actually be 2 lessons after I learn safe mode procedure. Thanks for the help I know is forthcoming and the awesome support you always have/give and all this for free!