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Thread: Not impressed with the new 2.0

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Not impressed with the new 2.0

    I have been using Spybot S&D for a long time. Just saw that you had a new beta of the next big version.

    I have to say I am extremely disappointed with it. I find the program cluttered and confusing to use, it's much better when not in advanced mode though. I used to always install Spybot S&D on all computers I worked on and told them how to easily update it and immunize it.

    This new version would confuse the heck out of 90% of the people who I work with (mainly 60+). I know my mom would not be able to run this new version.

    I find the "Live" scanner to be abhorrently slow (several seconds to launch a program, while a good AV will also scan it in milliseconds). This was the first thing I disabled after installing it.

    I also HATED the updater. All it did was show me a list of files which I don't know what they are (and don't care about). Some of them showed up red. I click on the update button and a ugly box pops up not telling me a whole lot while it downloads who knows how much data. But during this time I had no idea what it was doing. Why do I as a user care about what specific files are out of date and being updated? All I need to know is there is a new updates to be downloaded like the old version.

    Also there are tons of windows where buttons and windows have text that don't properly show up/cut off/etc...

    This version seems to be a huge step backward and I will probably switch to Malwarebytes on everybody's computers I work on if this is what is released.


  2. #2
    Member of Team Spybot tashi's Avatar
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    Hello StoneySilence,

    Thank you for your suggestions.
    Quote Originally Posted by StoneySilence View Post
    on everybody's computers I work on
    To clarify, are you speaking of a business?

    Best regards,
    Microsoft MVP Reconnect 2018-
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    Microsoft Consumer Security MVP 2006-2016

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    No, just friends and family.

  4. #4
    Junior Member
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    Quote Originally Posted by StoneySilence View Post
    I find the "Live" scanner to be abhorrently slow (several seconds to launch a program, while a good AV will also scan it in milliseconds). This was the first thing I disabled after installing it.
    I also observe this to be painfully slow. I have a pretty reasonable Pentium IV 2GHz 2GB system, so it's not my hardware. It is objectionable and does make me think of shopping around for something else.

    On the positive side, I think S&D Beta 4 has eliminated the Vista Antivirus 2012 malware from my system, as nothing is popping up anymore. On the negative side, something seems to remain as I keep hitting "Fix Found," running a scan again, and finding more things. I've been informed of the possible need for a boot disk; I'm holding off on that level of hassle until I see if repeated scans finally eliminate everything. I did update Firefox while this was going on, so maybe it was just a fresh window of opportunity for something.

    I'm dubious as to why S&D waits to fix things. Hitting "Fix Found" seems pointless; why wouldn't I want it to fix whatever it finds immediately? I went looking for an option to fix things automatically but I didn't find one.

  5. #5
    Senior Member TwistedMike's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bvanevery View Post
    I'm dubious as to why S&D waits to fix things. Hitting "Fix Found" seems pointless; why wouldn't I want it to fix whatever it finds immediately? I went looking for an option to fix things automatically but I didn't find one.
    Remember this is still a Beta where many things can be changed before the final release. This is the very reason why they make public betas so that they can get feedback from there users and make changes accordingly.
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