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Thread: The great 'No cookie list' mystery continues apace.

  1. #21
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    It sounds like you have an administrator account,Flyvapet,but the XP computer I have here doesn't have Local Users and Groups under system tools,probably because it's a Home Edition,and yours is XP Professional,so I can't tell for sure.
    Could you go to Start,Control Panel,User Accounts.Is the account you use to login to the computer listed there as Computer Administrator?

    Nevertheless I'm scared to death of trying to log in under a different (shall we say) identity and, by some happenstance, becoming forever locked out of my one and only surviving machine! This password system we're all stuck with is nothing but a load of old cods, as far as I'm concerned, because it assumes the machine's user or users will perpetually remember all manner of passwords.
    Don't worry,that's not what I had in mind.I just wanted to see if the account you are using is limited or admin,and if that might be the problem with Ignore Cookies or not.
    I'm doubtful on it,but it's a last ditch effort.
    Last edited by Zenobia; 2013-03-14 at 17:09.

  2. #22
    Translator Team bbnetwork's Avatar
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    Even if the Account Flyvapnet is using is listed into the Control-Panel as Administrator-Account this dont mean it really have Admin-Rights.

    But let us give it a try.
    Last edited by bbnetwork; 2013-03-14 at 17:41.

    לשונות רעות שנפגעו שלוש פעמים: למי שמדבר, שדברו עליהם ומי שמקשיב.


  3. #23
    Member Flyvapnet's Avatar
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    Cool Golly!

    Thank a bunch, bbnetwork, for all that information! I really appreciate it. Well, Zenobia and bbnetwork, it appears I'm the "Computer administrator" even as we speak. Apparently, I've held this exalted position for some time: I've logged in as "Flyvapnet" for as long as I can remember; and the Start > Settings > Control Panel > User Accounts box assures me that "Flyvapnet" is, in fact, the "Computer administrator".

    But, due to what bbnetwork pointed out, I don't know if that means I'm the "real" administrator or just an honorary one--like a Kentucky Colonel. I await your further advice and am grateful for it.

    Beauty is the purgation of superfluities. - Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

  4. #24
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flyvapnet
    But, due to what bbnetwork pointed out, I don't know if that means I'm the "real" administrator or just an honorary one--like a Kentucky Colonel. I await your further advice and am grateful for it.
    It is possible to have a computer administrator account in XP without proper administrator privileges,but I believe that would be a rare problem.
    There is a method listed here to check for sure:

    I don't know of any other things to try to get Firefox cookies to appear in Ignore Cookies at the moment.If I see or think of anything else,I'll post it here.

  5. #25
    Translator Team bbnetwork's Avatar
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    Im sorry Zenobia and Flyvapnet if i did not not explain exact what i mean.

    The first user account added is always the Computer-Administrator and shown as Administrator-Account and he is also add to the Group of Administrators.
    But there is always also the build-in Administrator - Account.
    The second one is like the Super-Admin or Root, only he can manage the other Admin-Accounts, the Groups and can access the System-Internals.
    This is also the reason, why u need to run some Programs in Vista and above with Admin-Rights even if u are using a Admin-Account already.

    I dont knew if this matter for the cockie-issue but i did like to give full info.

    לשונות רעות שנפגעו שלוש פעמים: למי שמדבר, שדברו עליהם ומי שמקשיב.


  6. #26
    Member Flyvapnet's Avatar
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    Smile As the sun sets slowly in the west....

    Zenobia, I ran those checks and (Ta da!) it appears I'm the honest-to-goodness administrator. Watch out: I'm drunk with power! Now, if only those damned cookies would show up....

    I guess we're at the end of our collective rope, bbnetwork and Zenobia. Your advice and information has been greatly appreciated! Indeed, if either of you discover new insights into why Spybot doesn't show Firefox cookies anymore please post them here. Thanks again for sticking with me during this inconclusive albeit interesting adventure! Cheers!

    Beauty is the purgation of superfluities. - Michelangelo di Lodovico Buonarroti Simoni

  7. #27
    Translator Team bbnetwork's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Flyvapnet View Post
    Indeed, if either of you discover new insights into why Spybot doesn't show Firefox cookies anymore please post them here.
    Well actually, this is'nt this easy to say, it's possible its because the difference between Admin, not Admin and Super-Admin, its maybe because Firefox save the Cockies all together in one single file and not each cockie in a own file or because of the place where Firefox save the cockies or mixture of all of thise or maybe something else - as for me, to be honest, right now i dont have an idea.

    It could be a tought, it matters if you install Spybot before or after Firefox, but very unsure about this.

    Maybe Zenobia have another idea, else, if i ever find something out, i will let you knew, Flyvapnet.

    Thanx so much for all the testing you have done with us.
    Last edited by bbnetwork; 2013-03-15 at 11:36.

    לשונות רעות שנפגעו שלוש פעמים: למי שמדבר, שדברו עליהם ומי שמקשיב.


  8. #28
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by bbnetwork View Post
    Im sorry Zenobia and Flyvapnet if i did not not explain exact what i mean.

    The first user account added is always the Computer-Administrator and shown as Administrator-Account and he is also add to the Group of Administrators.
    But there is always also the build-in Administrator - Account.
    The second one is like the Super-Admin or Root, only he can manage the other Admin-Accounts, the Groups and can access the System-Internals.
    This is also the reason, why u need to run some Programs in Vista and above with Admin-Rights even if u are using a Admin-Account already.

    I dont knew if this matter for the cockie-issue but i did like to give full info.
    I will explain where I was going with this to clarify.
    I know about the hidden built-in administrator account,but didn't think it would be significant here.The Computer Administrator account Flyvapet saw in control panel would have much more privileges than in Windows 7 or Vista:
    Power Users have more privileges than Limited,but as I understand it,would have been listed as an Unknown Account type in Control Panel->User Accounts.
    If Flyvapet would have been on a Limited Account,it would have been noticeable,i.e. when Flyvapet attempted to install Spybot 1.6.2 to begin with,they probably would have gotten a message that they didn't have sufficient privileges to do so.That is why I was doubtful that was the problem,and checking the account type in Control Panel->User Accounts was just a last ditch effort,since I had ran out of ideas.

    I guess we're at the end of our collective rope, bbnetwork and Zenobia. Your advice and information has been greatly appreciated! Indeed, if either of you discover new insights into why Spybot doesn't show Firefox cookies anymore please post them here. Thanks again for sticking with me during this inconclusive albeit interesting adventure! Cheers!

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