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Thread: Search Result: Cookie for IE and FF

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2014

    Default Search Result: Cookie for IE and FF

    I have NOT disabled "tracking cookies" before scan
    I just did a scan and it came back w/results
    100 cookies IE
    210 cookies FF

    But it does not list the cookies.
    This doesn't do me any good b/c I need some of those cookies--they are to email, bank, etc. w/o them i am constantly verifying info.
    How can I see a list of individual internet cookies?
    Last edited by infonut; 2014-08-06 at 19:30.

  2. #2
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2014

    Default Have a single check box at top of subject (ie, Windows, MS Wordpad)


    Whenever I run a scan I am constantly unchecking the individual boxes under Windows... (pretty much Windows anything) and MS ...(pretty much MS anything).
    They list my most recent files/open keys/recent applications, etc. I like to keep those.
    Would it be possible to put a single toggle check box at the top of each program to uni-check or uni-uncheck all those below. I could then go and add/subtract individual check marks as needed, but could also leave them all--as I've been doing.

    Also, if it was possible to make a permanent "leave these unchecked" that would be awesome. Like the whitelist on email where those addresses are never blocked or sent to junk mail. I'm never going to uncheck my most recent file lists--but if I decided to, I could go to the whitelist and delete it.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Aug 2014

    Default This used to be an option

    Just wanted to add:
    Until a month or so (?) ago, this was an option. Was there a reason it was taken away?

  4. #4
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    You are using Spybot 2.4?
    There is no way to view individual cookies in this version of Spybot that I'm aware of.
    This is a page on how to view individual cookies in your own browser(s).I couldn't find a newer page,so it's a little dated,Internet Explorer now has a gear icon(unless that's something I did myself and forgot about)instead of directly clicking tools,Firefox you now have to click the three lined thing next to the house,but the general gist of it should get you to the cookies.


    Whenever I run a scan I am constantly unchecking the individual boxes under Windows... (pretty much Windows anything) and MS ...(pretty much MS anything).
    They list my most recent files/open keys/recent applications, etc. I like to keep those.
    Would it be possible to put a single toggle check box at the top of each program to uni-check or uni-uncheck all those below. I could then go and add/subtract individual check marks as needed, but could also leave them all--as I've been doing.

    Also, if it was possible to make a permanent "leave these unchecked" that would be awesome. Like the whitelist on email where those addresses are never blocked or sent to junk mail. I'm never going to uncheck my most recent file lists--but if I decided to, I could go to the whitelist and delete it.
    If you rightclick in the results window,you have the option to Select All,Unselect All,Select All From Product,Unselect All From Product.
    There is also the option to click on a single item listed,then rightclick and select Ignore selected item in the future,so it doesn't show in the results in the future.

    If you ignore an item in the future,but then change your mind and want it listed in the results again,you'd checkmark Advanced User Mode,then Settings(saying yes to the UAC prompt,if applicable),then the Ignore Lists tab,then the Items tab below,and anything you 'Ignored in the future' can be restored to be scanned for again by clicking on it,then hitting the Remove button.Once everything you want to be scanned for again is removed,hit Apply and OK.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    Thanks for your answer. Up to about a month or so ago, I was getting all the websites listed and I could uncheck those where I didn't want to remove the cookies. I know I'm not dreaming this. I did it numerous times. Does anyone know why this feature was discontinued?

  6. #6
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Did you have Spybot 1.6.2 a month or so ago?And what version are you using now?

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    Jun 2014

    Default Was cookie whitelist removed in 2.2 ?

    I too remember being able to ignore certain cookies in the previous version. Was that feature removed in 2.2 and is there any explanation as to why ?

  8. #8
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    As I recall,ordinary cookies have been listed as just "Cookies" in the results of a Spybot scan since Spybot version 2.0 and up.I don't ever remember seeing normal cookies listed individually since Spybot 1.6.2.Nor do I remember a whitelist,or an Ignore Cookies list outside Spybot 1.6.2.I've been through several versions,so it's possible I've forgotten,though.
    Tracking cookies should be listed individually in the results of a Spybot scan,though.

    I don't think an explanation was posted by Safer-Networking.I didn't see anything in a search:

    There are ways to delete individual cookies for most browsers listed here:
    Last edited by Zenobia; 2014-10-03 at 03:26.

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