Hi all.

I can not find very much regarding "Highlightsearches" online. But it is annoying as hell and I would certainly consider it Malware/PUP maybe even worse.

Issue - unknown process discovered in process explorer - abengine.exe - located in Program(x86) in a folder named "Highlightsearches"

There is no entry in Windows 7 Programs and Features for an installed application of this name.

HighlightSearches "uninstall" located in the folder appears to work.....but the application returns....it appears to reinstall itself!

What it does.

It ads a bunch of ad-related / only vaguely relevant hits right at the top of any google search. Both Firefox and Chrome.

It is NOT a browser extension! (I have checked. - no unknown or suspicious ad-ons or plugins etc in either browser.)

Scan of folder with Spybot returns all files in the folder as clear.....and apparently whitelisted!

This is a nasty and persistent annoyance of a piece of software.....

Has anybody seen or heard anythhing about this?

Can we have this included in the kill list?