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Thread: Are automated scans working?

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default Are automated scans working?

    Hi Guys,
    I've installed the professional version of Spybot on Win7 and set it up to run the automated scans.
    That is, the MRU scan, updates, system scan and immunization are set up to run regularly.
    But I've noticed the system scan doesn't take long when it should take about an hour.
    When I've started system scan myself from the Start Center it always takes about an hour.
    Also, when I go into system scan and updates from the Start Center they show the last time I ran them from the Start Center.
    But they don't show the more recent automated scans.
    Why is this?
    Are the automated scans actually working?
    Any help would be appreciated.


  2. #2
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Michael Drury View Post
    But they don't show the more recent automated scans.
    I'm on ChromeOS,so unfortunately I have no Spybot to doublecheck this.But,I am fairly certain I remember that the last time an automated scan was run is not shown in the start center,unlike the manual scan.

    Approximately how long is the automated scan taking?

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    I'm on ChromeOS,so unfortunately I have no Spybot to doublecheck this.But,I am fairly certain I remember that the last time an automated scan was run is not shown in the start center,unlike the manual scan.

    Approximately how long is the automated scan taking?
    Hi Zenobia,
    Thank you for your reply.

    It sounds like a good explanation, but I'm not sure that's what is actually happening, at least in my case.
    Since I posted, I've had the chance to look at it again.
    I'd previously noticed the system scans appeared to be only taking a few seconds to run instead of about an hour when run from the Control Center.
    And both the scans and the updates that had been run automatically were not being reported in the Control Center.
    This morning I ran immunization from the Control Center after it had run automatically just a few minutes earlier.
    I was surprised when it reported that 1,000's of entries needed immunizing.
    So running immunization automatically doesn't appear to have actually done anything.

    The user account all these scans are run from is SYSTEM, and they're run with the highest privileges, so they should get full priority.


  4. #4
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    The default system scan is usually scheduled for once a month.When setting it up to run more often,did you do so through the scheduling page in Spybot settings?That's viewable here:
    And did you edit the task that was already currently in task scheduler,or did you set up a new task yourself?
    The reason I ask is because in the past,I've known people to sometimes accidentally set up a task using the wrong .exe of spybot,when creating one from scratch.

    I'm not sure why the immunization task did not immunize everything.What did it say on the Spybot task scheduler page,if you viewed it?

    Also,I remember that automated updates do work normally,but as there is possible trouble with your Spybot scheduled tasks,could you do a manual update if you haven't already done one since yesterday,just to be on the safe side?

  5. #5
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    Hi Zenobia,
    Thank you once again for your reply, and I apologise for taking so long to respond, I've been really busy.

    I did modify the scan settings via Spybot, which of course then takes you through to Windows Task Scheduler.
    And it was existing settings that I changed.
    I did that in order to try and check that the automated scans were working properly, because I wasn't convinced they were.
    Since your last post I've tried a few things, although I haven't been able to go through and check and recheck everything, which is needed.
    Anyway, here's what I believe is happening.
    Running Spybot and initiating the various scans etc where I start the process works properly.
    Updates, system scans, immunizing, all fine.
    With automating them however, only the updates process and scanning the most recently used files appear to work properly.
    The system scan and immunization processes start but don't finish, and don't seem to do anything.
    That's where I'm up to at the moment.
    As I say, I need to go back and check everything.
    I have wondered whether system scan and immunization don't have permission to run.
    When I start a scan or immunization myself I get a popup asking for permission to run the program, whilst I don't with updates.
    But surely I would get a message saying something like "This program does not have permission to run", and redirected to settings?

    Once again, thank you for taking the time to help.


  6. #6
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Thank you once again for your reply, and I apologise for taking so long to respond, I've been really busy.
    No problem.

    I'm on Chrome OS,so can't double check,but this I'm almost 99% sure I remember.When Spybot creates the System Scan task,and the immunization task,it also selects Run With Highest privileges for that task.That bypasses the need for the UAC prompt,and allows the task to run without it.So,when you get chance,could you go back into task scheduler and check to be sure Run With Highest Privileges is selected for the Spybot Scheduled Scan in properties.Instructions in the quotes:
    To change an existing task by using the Windows interface
    If Task Scheduler is not open, start Task Scheduler. For more information, see Start Task Scheduler.
    Find and click the task folder in the console tree that contains the task you want to change.
    In the console window, click the task that you want to change.
    Click Properties in the Action pane. The Task Properties dialog box will appear.
    In the Task Properties dialog box:
    Click the General tab to view the task's general properties that you can change. For more information about these properties, see General Task Properties.
    (Instructions are from this page:

    And this is the picture of the General tab in Task Scheduler Properties so you'll know you're in the right place:
    (From this article:

  7. #7
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    Hi Zenobia,
    That's a very good suggestion.
    Unfortunately I've already set all the Spybot scans etc to run with the highest privileges.
    I can't help thinking that the problem is caused by something very similar to what you suggested here.
    Once again, thank you for taking the time to help me.


  8. #8
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    You're welcome,and my apologies,I re-read your previous post from before,and see that you already indicated you had the scheduled scans set to run with highest privileges.

    It might be worthwhile to have a look at the arguments.Click the Start button,and type task scheduler in the search bar.Rightclick Task scheduler and Select Run As Administrator.Click Task Scheduler Library,then locate the Spybot scheduled scan.Rightclick the scheduled Spybot scan and select Properties.I believe the arguments are viewable under the Actions tab.Please post what they are here.
    It will be something similar to this:
    C:\Program Files\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDScan.exe /scan /cleanclose
    Last edited by Zenobia; 2015-11-28 at 09:08.

  9. #9
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    Hi Zenobia,

    Here are the arguments for Scanning the system and for Immunization:

    Scan the system: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDScan.exe" /scan/cleanclose

    Immunization: "C:\Program Files (x86)\Spybot - Search & Destroy 2\SDImmunize.exe" /immunize

    One thing that did occur to me was the user account setting in Task Scheduler under the General tab.
    When I first encountered problems I changed the user account settings from SAMSUNG\SAMSUNG to SYSTEM.
    The idea was to ensure Spybot had the highest priviledges in case that was the problem.
    Unfortunately that made no difference, nor did checking the box 'Run with highest priviledges'.

    Once again, thank you for your help.


  10. #10
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    You're very welcome.

    There should be a space between scan and cleanclose,to look like this /scan /cleanclose.However,when setting up arguments within task scheduler the arguments are separated by default,as I recall,so this is most probably a case of just missing the space when you typed it here.I did want to mention it though,just to confirm with you.
    Other than that,the arguments look fine.

    When I first encountered problems I changed the user account settings from SAMSUNG\SAMSUNG to SYSTEM.
    The idea was to ensure Spybot had the highest priviledges in case that was the problem.
    I remember my own Spybot scheduled scan was set to use the System account,and I had no problems.And I found a post here that seems to indicate that would work without a password(if you do not have one),as long as you were doing so from an account with administrator privileges.That is indicated in the second post here:
    So,I don't believe that should cause a problem,but lets keep it in mind for looking at later,if need be,as long as the account you are working from is an administrator one.

    This isn't guaranteed,but it might be useful to Enable All Tasks History.That will give you a history tab to look at regarding the Spybot tasks.It does sound like the task is launching sdscan,(as well as the immunization task also launching immunization),and nothing is happening from there,so it is possible that nothing will be shown in history,however,with any luck,an error might be shown that you can work with.This page has instructions on how to do that,you probably already know how,but I'll post it just in case:
    The next time that the scheduled Spybot scan starts,then closes,please go into task scheduler,rightclick the scheduled spybot system scan,click properties,and then view the history tab.If there are any errors listed in there,please post them here.

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