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Thread: Spybot Search & Destroy 2.5 - Annoying Update Error

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2016

    Default Spybot Search & Destroy 2.5 - Annoying Update Error

    Two weeks in a row I have tried to run the update program from Spybot Search and Destroy 2.5 and every time I get this very annoying Update Error where it keeps beeping and bringing up a popup that I cannot get rid of unless I forcibly close Spybot Search & Destroy 2.5's Update Window and then all of the Update Popup Error Messages go away. Attempting to click on them (either the ok or the "X") does nothing and if the message goes away more come up with that annoying beeping sound. For the record, I am using Windows 10 Home and the computer was upgraded from Windows 7 Home Premium back in August 2015 and this problem has only started last month (January 2016) and again today February 1st, 2016. I am also using the version of Spybot Search & Destroy 2.5 meant for Windows 10.

    I used to like using Spybot Search & Destroy but with this error constantly happening when trying to update the program I am more inclined to get rid of the stupid program and strictly stick with Norton Internet Security alone since neither programs have ever even found any virus, malware or spyware on my computer ever. So really if this error is constantly going to occur and thus preventing the program from downloading any updates whatsoever the logical conclusion is to get rid of it and officially consider it one useless program.

    Here is a screenshot of this very annoying error message I am talking about:

    And for the record since the error mentions "no storage available" my computer has a lot of available space to use; in the fact that I have 168GB of Free Space Available and that doesn't even count my 1TB External Hard Drive with 809GB of Free Space Available. Thus getting such an error message in regards to space being available is illogical since my computer has more than enough free storage space available. (And uninstalling Spybot Search & Destroy 2.5 for good will give my main Hard Drive even more space available, that can actually be used for programs and other software that actually want to work correctly!)

    Mod Edit:
    Removed attachment with profanity in title.

  2. #2
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    I'm a little hesitant to answer, because I realize you're angry, and I didn't turn up a "Oh,that's nuthin' just download whatchamacallit.exe and it'll be fixed" kind of solution.
    So, disclaimer:
    I don't work for Spybot, none of this may work, and I'm posting an "I don't know, but I found this, try it and see" kind of thing.

    Searching the forum for thread creation error turned up only this post:
    You could try following what niall2 suggested and/or what pVVEN tried during the course of the tread, and other things posted there where applicable.

    If that doesn't work, there are manual updates available. Antispyware updates only, if you have Spyot + AV, the antivirus updates aren't available for manual update:

    There's also a knowledgebase update section, though looking through I didn't see anything directly applicable:

    If none of that works, or you would rather contact support, you could go to the request support page, here:

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Feb 2016


    I'm in no way angry. If I was angry, I wouldn't have posted this post at all and I would have uninstalled Spybot Search and Destroy 2.5 the second time it's done this.

    I've checked the links you've posted and they didn't workout as a solution. I don't even have Spybot Search and Destroy with Antivirus.

    Manual updates don't work either, they won't install given how they pretty much do the same thing it appears Spybot Search and Destroy might be broken or outlived its usefulness in this case.

  4. #4
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    What happened when you tried to install the manual updates? Any error messages? Or same one you got before?

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