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Thread: Display glitch (scan does not display)

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Sep 2017

    Default Display glitch (scan does not display)

    This just started. I can update OK/normally, & immunize OK/normally, but Scan System does not open a window. It seems to be running, shows up in task bar, but will not open. First time it finished but would not open to display findings & offer to fix, so I rebooted. Still getting same behavior.

    OS Name Microsoft Windows 10 Home
    Version 10.0.15063 Build 15063

    Spybot Version
    Start Center version

    Tried attaching more detailed system/software info but your system apparently doesn't like odt files ...

    Lincoln, AR
    Last edited by tashi; 2017-09-09 at 01:02. Reason: Removed phone number and email to avoid spambot harvesting

  2. #2
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    That's weird. I can think of a couple possible things, mind you it might not be any of these. But there are a few things to look at.

    Could you rightclick the Spybot Start Center, choose Run As Administrator, checkmark Advanced User Mode, click Settings, select the Categories tab. Do the items listed there all have checkmarks next to them?

    Could you try shutting down any other non-essential programs running at the time, then running Spybot's system scan as a test to see what might happen?

    There are command line parameters available, which vary depending on what type of Spybot you have(free,home,etc.). You haven't been knowingly using any command line parameters on sdscan.exe have you?

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Default try this ...

    1) right clicked run as administrator, selected settings and categories - all are selected.
    2)When I intend to run a scan, I first shut down browsers, email etc. I leave free Avast running. I open the start center and check for updates. if there are any I install them. Then I run immunize. then I start a system scan. I usually do this just before leaving computer otherwise idle for a while ( eg trip to store etc)
    3) I do not run from command line

    It ran fine before last install/update - hmmm I can provide logs on request

    After next windows update, if it still mis-behaves I guess I'll try R&R (remove & reinstall)


    p.s. since it does not open a window, I'm not sure if it actually ran since I didn't get opportunity to click start ... but it did post a window to the task bar

  4. #4
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Okay, sounds like everything is good with those three things.
    p.s. since it does not open a window, I'm not sure if it actually ran since I didn't get opportunity to click start ... but it did post a window to the task bar
    If the system scan is running you can usually tell by looking at the little icon/window in the taskbar. You'll see the icon, and then when system scan starts it will show a colour on the side of it. My taskbar is black, and when system scan is running it will show a green colour on the side and then move over as the scan progresses. If you're not sure on that, I could give you directions to look and see if there is a checks.logfile from the date when the window would not appear, that might let you know if the scan ran or not. Would you be using the free version of Spybot, or do you have one of the Home or Professional editions?

    I think Microsoft Smartscreen would prompt you if it blocked Spybot's System Scan, but it's still worthwhile to check. Down where it says Type here to search, could you type in This Pc, then click that, then click the drive Spybot is on(probably Drive C:\), then Program Files (x86), open Spybot - Search & Destroy 2, scroll down and find sdscan.exe. Rightclick it, then select Properties, and then the General tab. If you don't see Unblock there, then it isn't blocked.
    If there is an Unblock checkbox there, click it to checkmark it, then click Apply and OK. You might be prompted by UAC so click Yes. Please let me know how it goes.

  5. #5
    Junior Member
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    [QUOTE=Zenobia;477339]Okay, sounds like everything is good with those three things.

    I think Microsoft Smartscreen would prompt you if it blocked Spybot's System Scan ...

    where do I find "Microsoft Smartscreen" ?? I'll go look around ,,,

  6. #6
    Junior Member
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    Default version info

    Would you be using the free version of Spybot, or do you have one of the Home or Professional editions?

    I tried de-installing 2.5.42.x & installed 2.6.46.x - get same behavior - this is free version ... BTW, removal of 2.5.42.x does not remove the Windows 10 post upgrade re-install hack ...)

    so summary is, immunizatino pops window as it should, but system scan does not. upgrade from 2.5.42.x to 2.6.46.x does note cure.

    "smartscreen" seems to be a browser type option, but I am still searching for it ...

    Thanks for continued interest ;-)


  7. #7
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    You're welcome.

    Oh, sorry, it's actually called Windows Defender Smartscreen. I misremembered the name. Somebody was having problems in this post:
    That post was the first time I heard of it, too. Yes, that's correct, reading further on it, it is more web based and tends to block unknown applications being downloaded, so it probably wouldn't block sdscan.exe all of a sudden. Could you still go check the sdscan.exe file, to be certain, though?

    Good, glad you tried installing Spybot 2.6. That was my next suggestion, wish it would have fixed it.

    Do you have any other security programs besides Windows Defender and Spybot?

    Could you rightclick Spybot Start Center, select Run As Administrator, then click System Scan. Next rightclick the taskbar and select Task Manager. In the processes tab you should see Malware Scanner (32-bit) with an arrow next to it. If you click the arrow you should see System Scan (Spybot - Search & Destroy 2.6, administrator privileges). Could you righclick that, then select Bring to Front. Does anything happen when you do that? If that doesn't do anything, could you try selecting Maximize, and see if that brings the window up?

  8. #8
    Junior Member
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    Default in response ...

    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    You're welcome.

    Could you still go check the sdscan.exe file, to be certain, though?

    OK, with Microsoft support assist :
    Flag > Settings > Apps > Apps & features > scroll to SpyBot & select. option "advanced" is not available, so cannot tweak

    MS support suggested restore :-(

    OK, so next ... right click start center, select run aas admin & click scan system ... get brief screen flash - as though it tried to display then minimized ...

    OK, so task manager ... find Malware in processes, select & see spybot, right click & select "bring to front" NADA :-(

    Try Maximize Y I P P E E ! ! ! get full screen with normal options !!!!!!

    click start Scan & get normal behavior - I'm going to let it run to end before fiddling with display - YAHOO !!!

  9. #9
    Junior Member
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    Default still not 100% normal

    so I let the scan run to completion & deleted the few hits ...

    Then I clicked "Restore Down" button at top of window & it went to the task bar - and stayed there - would not re-open ... sigh

    went back to task manager as before & clicked maximize & it reopened full screen just fine.

    maybe something in registry is stuck such that restore down is a one way ticket to the task bar ... or restore down goes to 0x0 display size ?

    At least I can run it now so we're good, but still would like more friendly fix :-)

    Thanks for all the assistance,

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    Default one more thing

    after exiting the scan window, I restarted start center, then clicked system scan - and it opened a full screen window! (no task manager tweaking necessary ...)

    Just another data point,


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