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Thread: "Out of Memory" on "Virtumonde" during a scan

  1. #1
    Junior Member
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    Default "Out of Memory" on "Virtumonde" during a scan


    So like the title said, during a normal scan with Spybot ( /,
    a few reported errors appeared during the "virtumonde" steps with "out of
    memory" warnings...

    I can assure you that this computer of mine as sufficient RAM and that nothing
    out or the ordinary was going in RAM/CPU wise.

    I tried to search a bit on the web about this little one, found multiple "old" threads,
    some tools (Eset, ComboFix, SAS, etc...) but to no avail: only Spybot reacts like below.

    So I was wondering if something was going on with it, or if I missed a step
    along the way to eradicate what seems to be remnant of "Virtumonde".

    Waiting for your instructions/requests of scans or logs to post again.

    Thanks in advance~
    Last edited by tashi; 2017-10-28 at 16:10. Reason: Moved from malware removal forum

  2. #2
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Oct 2005


    That does not indicate that you necessarily have those malware infections on your computer. It means that there was an error during the Spybot scan at the point where Spybot was scanning for Virtumonde and scanning your download directory. You could try scanning with Spybot again to see if those errors were just a one time thing, or if you still get an 'error during check out of memory' again. Please post back afterwards if the errors came back or not.

  3. #3
    Junior Member
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    Oct 2017


    Quote Originally Posted by Zenobia View Post
    You could try scanning with Spybot again to see if those errors were just a one time thing, or if you still get an 'error during check out of memory' again. Please post back afterwards if the errors came back or not.
    Okay, so I did multiple scans before/during/after trying to destroy what seemed to be Virtumonde on my PC, before coming to post here.
    And here's the last attempt, with a minor difference in the third line:

    So, still more or less the same.

    What next? =O

  4. #4
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    This is a little off topic, but I wanted to say thank you for posting the screenshots of the Spybot scan. That makes it easier to see what is going on with it, and is much appreciated.

    Going further here would be guesswork on my part, so I think next it would be best if you contacted Team Spybot:
    Don't worry, perhaps it's a simple fix. Good luck.

  5. #5
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    Well, you're welcome then ^^

    Hoping it would be just "that", so I sent a ticket.
    Will report here whenever I get an answer~

  6. #6
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    Okay, thanks.

  7. #7
    Junior Member
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    A little late for a reply (My Life™)

    OK. After waiting for a while, the answer I got was basically

    "Welp, just deactivate it in the search options."

    Indeed, deactivating it does work, but that's beyond the point, isn't?

    "The reason why issues like yours might arise is in the meantime a lot of new signatures where added"

    But adding signatures will cause problems to ancient signatures... Because?
    And after SO many years using it on many systems, why now?

    So in short, we'll never know what and why the soft did that.
    Well, at least if someone sees that in the future, they'll know what their ~solution~ is =]

    [ Case Closed ]

  8. #8
    Spybot Advisor Team Zenobia's Avatar
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    A little late for a reply (My Life™)
    No problem at all. Thank you very much for posting back the answer you received.

  9. #9
    Member of Team Spybot (m/f)'s Avatar
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    Hi, I am very sorry you got this unsatisfying reply from our support. "out of memory" might mean two things: first, virtumonde detection rules are memory intensive. That means when running the scan with lots of other programs, computer memory might be in use and cannot be allocated to the scanning task.
    two: there might be an error with the scanning task allocating the memory or the rules are causing this error. As Virtumonde is an old product which is not found that much anymore, it might be okay to deactivate the product to avoid this error. You can activate it again if you suspect to be infected.

  10. #10
    Junior Member
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    This is exactly my issue. I'm running SS&D ver. and am getting this same error and like the OP, the PC I'm using has more than enough memory. As can be seen from the screen shot I'm not actually sure that Spybot completed the scan.
    From reading this thread, it sounds like tech support has no solution for this issue.

    Quote Originally Posted by trypetide View Post

    So like the title said, during a normal scan with Spybot ( /,
    a few reported errors appeared during the "virtumonde" steps with "out of
    memory" warnings...

    I can assure you that this computer of mine as sufficient RAM and that nothing
    out or the ordinary was going in RAM/CPU wise.

    I tried to search a bit on the web about this little one, found multiple "old" threads,
    some tools (Eset, ComboFix, SAS, etc...) but to no avail: only Spybot reacts like below.

    Last edited by seagreen; 2018-02-20 at 01:34. Reason: add image

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